Making beautiful thing every Sunday! Walking once again and went to the market buying meat, banana and spinach for there lunch.On board the bus alone is always amazing. I can do what I want like the owner of the bus. I was curious how the bus operator earn if people are not using transportation. The driver answered that the bus is public and to be used by people soon. The owner is the government operating 10 months ago. Among people who ride the bus, I am the only one who utilized the chance than walking a long way going to the market, the bank and the hospital. How many years I preffered walking rather than riding a taxi or a car of a stranger. It is a big favor to me especially that I am getting older.

What a beautiful day, the climate is so cool, a perfect time to enjoy my walk and work out.
I saw men disinfecting the ground floor in the plaza.
Being alone inside the bus, I took pictures and pretend like a conductor. It must 10 minutes interval between every trip.
Feeling like at home only, only me at the back,the driver on his seat. I am so safe inside the bus.
In the Market
I wished to see the donkey and the old man owner for a picture and so lucky that I found them upon my arrival, He teased me that if I took a picture to his donkey, I must pay 10SR. I ignore what he said and I just smile.
The old man told me that the donkey is his pet since he was still younger. It helped him carry everything heavy because he has no car to drive. He drove the donkey instead. I'm happy that he shared his story while I was taking the picture.
Met the Banana Farmer
I bought banana, instead the man gave me full sando bag filled with banana for free.
He knew that Filipino loves banana, he gave me reject but still good to eat or baking banana.
Meat for lunch and I let the man cut it into tiny cubes sonwhen I got home, I will just wash it and cook it like Filipino recipe.He is the friend of my boss where I bought the goat meat.
I saw the Cat, Dogs and Birds
Cats, Dogs and Birds made my day eveeytime I saw them all. The sunrise adds strength of my day.
Vegetables we need for today.
That's how I divert all the negative feelings. Waking up early, did all what going to do and done.
Happy Sunday @ace108, #hiveph and @asean.hive community members.