Today I am here to share a different kind of post with you. Sometimes I like to write stories. So I write stories when I have time. Today I will present you a different kind of story. I hope everyone will like my story.
Baba means a name of love. A father means a person who is kept very carefully. Baba means fulfilling all unfulfilled desires. Similarly, that little girl named Pari waited for her father with many dreams. Pari wants a red tuktuk dress for Eid. The father is trying hard to fulfill his little daughter's earnestness. The rickshaw driver father is tired of pulling the burden of the world, buying a red tuktuk dress for his daughter is like a dream for him. He liked the red tuktuk dress on the doll in the big showroom at the crossroads. Pari heard the story of the dress from his father. When the father used to tell him the story, Pari used to remember the picture of that red tattered dress in the plan. Pari's father told Pari that he would buy her a red dress before Eid.
The days were passing. Pari used to wait every day to know that his father had brought clothes. But when the father returns home empty-handed with a tired body, the little elf is upset. Seeing Pari upset, father approached and said this is mother and after a few days I will bring you that son-in-law in red tuktuk. Then a smile appeared on Pari's face. Tears came to the mother's eyes when she saw the murder of the father and daughter. Because mother understands everything. When a father dreams of giving gifts to his child with empty pockets, his inner pain increases a lot. And Pari's father's pain was well understood by Pari's mother. Still, she was hiding her tears and telling Pari, wait for a few days, your father will bring you the dress. Pari also started waiting happily. As the day drew near, the happiness of the fairy began to disappear.
When everyone around bought new clothes, Pari used to sit in the hide and feel sad. The happy day is almost here. Pari waited all day for her father. His father went out with the rickshaw that morning. Pari did not see his father after waking up. Morning turned to noon. Afternoon came to evening. The angel is staring blankly at that path. Gradually the darkness of the night came but Pari's father did not come. With the darkness of the night came darkness in the fairy's mind. Slowly the angel fell asleep. The fairy woke up suddenly with the sound of crying. He woke up to find his father lying on the balcony. He is holding the red cloth on his chest. But the lamp of his life has gone out. Seeing the blood-soaked red clothes, Pari screamed and cried. Pari's father bought a red tuktuk suit for Pari but an accident took his life. That little red dress was no longer given to her little angel. Pari lost her father. And lost his dreams.
It looks like the fairy has grown up a lot. Now he is not serious about buying red clothes. Because the man to fulfill his earnestness is lost. Pari has lost her father. Along with that, his Eid joys are lost. Sometimes the fairy searches for the father without knowing it. And find his dreams. Even today Pari keeps that dress carefully. Pari wants to cry with that clothes on. But can't cry even while crying. He wipes his tears thinking that his father will suffer. And that little fairy lost her father and became destitute. And like forever lost father's love.