Merry Christmas Again! Here,I want to share the day when my son mother-in-law joined the festive day. It's my pleasure that she also love us,my entire family , not just my son. She has children abroad and only my daughter-in-law and my sin with their 2 kids live with her. Last Christmas we went to their house and now she visited us and joined our family celebration. We just missed her husband who passed away 2 years ago making her life incomplete. They were so close to each other.
The old woman in white is my kumara who have a great heart loving my son. God gave her 4 children but only my son and daughter-in-law have children so she only have 2 grandchildren.
We are so blessed when my son second child is a girl. There is no chance of another child. My eldest grandson is already big when his sister came and it was a though pregnancy. Without the power of high technology and medication, and power of God, the child was then in dangered status. It made the wife of my son admit herself in bed during her pregnancy. My son is a nurse who kept all possibilities watching how to care his wife and their child inside her womb
The baby Samatha grew so fast and she is now 1 year plus. We give thanks to God that He added her to be part of this Christmas 2024 celebration.
I been experiencing ups and down but my face never showed desperation along the way. I always wear my smile that made me baby face. I am almost 70 years old but you can see me younger according to my friends around. Im a smiling old woman who can cover my pain deep inside because of my faith in God.Going to church with my husband is one of the the best thing I have during this season.
That's all for today and thank you #hivelh #philippines and @asean.hive who made me grow in this platform.