Hello Everyone! Hope everyone feels ok.
If you ask me if I'm ok, I feel better right now compare to yesterday. I really want Mr. Sun will show up always. But it is so impossible. We can check the weather forecast and our feelings for tomorrow. We cannot detect it. No one knows, even tomorrow you have a good plan and you're excited about it. But something will happen unexpectedly to change our emotions.
Finally it's Friday 😍
I started my day with my breakfast made by my husband. Simple burger with egg sandwich. We don't have burger buns and my husband used ordinary bread.
I need to prepare for my work and wait for my autobus. Still dark and foggy morning when I wait for my autobus. My bus comes at 5:35 AM. I need to come early and if not I will miss it. And wait again for another autobus. Here all buses have their own time. So I need to check the website and their schedule in each autobus station.
And Work Time: I need to hust
Hmmm! Nothing new and still the same. The good news is I can go home early. I drink coffee at work because it's free. And I still have so I stay and wait for my autobus. I'm still thinking, what I will share on my blog. As much as possible, I want to share what happened today. And if there's a lesson or reflection for my experience this day. I want it like that. Even if I have a topic, it's hard for me to construct a paragraph. It's just the introduction of my blog. And then nothing. A real experience on this day.
I decided to go for a walk. Mr. Sun is up but the wind blows to my skin. It's so cold, bruh. I still have time before the bus arrives. Then I decided to go to Billa to buy a few things. And I take photos while walking. 😉
Made it to Billa.
Everything now is expensive. Everywhere we go we need money. I will see how much I needed to pay for this. My husband always says to me that he don't like the leaders now. I cannot explain to you because I don't know either. He says it's not good.
So I told him that you're not alone. Even in my country, the Philippines, it's too much. We’re at the end of the tunnel and there's no light where people will go. Poor people are suffering, working so hard, paying taxes, bills and other expenses. How much more can they save? Or can they even save the money or much more if they need to borrow money? CREDIT, CREDIT, non-stop needed to pay. Nothing left of themselves. Sad life right.
I'm still blessed for everything I have right now. It's just my rollercoaster of emotions from yesterday, it's not a complaint. It's how I feel, I need to express it, I need to let it go. Still adjusting here from the weather they have.
It's time to pay.
Yes, for those things it cost 10.69 Euro. It's 641.40 in Philippine pesos. I just converted it to 60 pesos. If you're from the
Philippines read my blog. You will say “Ang mahal” or it's so expensive. Yah right, nothing is cheap today.
If you're living in the province and have a place to plant vegetables and take care of animals. It's good to have a garden. It's free vegetables and eggs from chicken. Like farming, you can save money and make it a profit.
I know it's difficult to budget and we need to be wise in spending. Life is not easy and it's like every cent counts for us. We need to work hard to survive and for our family.
I know elections are coming to the Philippines. I just hope people will vote wisely. If not, we all know what's the consequence of our decision to vote, THE PEOPLE. PEOPLE will suffer in the end. Nothing will change if you choose wrong leaders. And those leaders just want MONEY. And IN THE END WE LOSE, WE SUFFER, NOTHING WILL CHANGE. Corruption is everywhere, SO THINK WISELY.
Life is tough. How much more to the homeless people. They have nothing. Hope leaders will focus on helping them. Not just by giving food or shelter. Opportunity that will help themselves. There is still HOPE. Hope that the leaders will help the nation. Good governance for the people, even in smaller steps, will give a brighter future for its nation.
People need to wake up, what is happening around us. BE SMART in choosing your leader. A leader that will serve and take care of the nation and not themselves.
The autobus is here and its time to go home. Happy Friday Everyone. 😉
This ends my blog for today.
Hope you’re all doing well. Or even working so hard to survive.
Pray and hang up there. Better days are coming. 😊🙏