(Why Yes, Everybody's Dead But Me) I Am Future: Cozy Apocalypse Survivor

in Hive Gaming3 months ago (edited)


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It's the end of the world, and you just woke up thinking "ahh, what a breezy weather". Maybe having robot friends around is probably the only sustainable future there. No worries, they're artificial conscience of real humans from past times. They have stories of their own.

Fun is not the exact word I'd use, it's not cozy or relaxing either. Total misnomer; it's a chore, well at first I guess. Maybe after the point robots get fixed, and they start helping out, is where the real journey begins. A lot of the promises its trailer showed off, will take so much time and patience to get there. It makes sense in an actual scenario, for a video game, however, drove me to boredom.

Also, not going to write its name here, it's wack even pronouncing it. That subtitle isn't helping out for anything. But the past few hours I've played, made me so what was on the horizon. It was getting easier to play, the great parts of it started to bloom, and oh yeah, helpful robots.

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Yes, sense of humor. There's going to be some of those. Better make the most of these before getting to work. Where to start? EVERYTHING AROUND YOU. The cans, tree branch, dustbins, futuristic furniture, electrosytes, disabled gizmos, robots needing batteries, etc.

There's no shred of humanity left, of course not entirely the case. But a soothing music repeating itself, alternating based on where the sun is, doesn't help. Also, this guy doesn't need sleep, he needs food, and figuring out how to get the robots doing his bidding. Everything eventually starts real slow, huh. But what is it all for now? Why am I doing all this, then?

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After talking to an A.I. fridge, I've been given following tasks, being taught to cook food, but also find a way to make my stay feasible. Actually, it turns out there are infinite amounts of resources like biowaste, wood, flowers, etc. Essentials for survival are around.

Some like plastic, metal, and parts on the other hand are limited in amounts. Sometimes I can make the mistake of dropping them, and probably not ever finding these in the plethora of waste all around. These are important for fixing and rebuilding these robots. I have prior experience with mundane tasks before, but it takes a long time to see the fruition of progress.

If you're curious enough, there's a lot revealed. Like putting up crop fields, I get a timer of how long each plantation will fully grow for retrieval. While that's going on, I can just go below using the hydraulic lift to a fishing spot, the same place where I also collect water with a bucket or plastic bottle. Both needs to be warmed up by the cooking spot, but for drinking water, it needs charcoal, meaning I have to burn that water again. Getting charcoal also costs fuel.


You're getting the picture now, I have to tackle with where the resources are coming from, and then use them to survive. Meanwhile, I have to figure out how to get around places. And the lack of guiding hand, proper tutorials, and arduous steps kind of sip the fun out at first.

Hell, playing this felt like those mobile games I played years ago, isn't this published by TinyBuild? It also came out of early access. Eventually looting up, and slowly progressing through, finally start seeing more faces than that fridge. My character also has a cybernetic arm, meaning he needs to find saws, screwdrivers, tools needed to move on. It's becoming too much now.

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Honestly, am disappointed that through the hours, that fridge robot ironically is giving all the interesting stuff. He tells me I need coffee beans, teaches me how to make fish soup, blueberry jam, mushroom sticks, and more. No, I have to fix a drone, then go to airport.

Figure out a keypad combination, just to rescue some old hag in a jukebox, telling me I need cryptocurrency to buy from other traders. This was a ploy to get me embracing crypto even more? It's bad enough I'm writing here as a disabled person (I kid, love you guys). But yeah, sadly, the crypto farms are what's holding me from building assistant bots to do my chores. That is the ultimate goal.


I really want to like playing this, despite some part of the mechanics feeling clunky, and other stupid stuff like long loading screens. Oh, this takes 4GB storage, yet takes a minute to load one level after the other. Another one that traps us into buying SSDs, good god. Also, the learning curve is bad, thanks to lack of tutorials, and so many chores to do. I WANT MY FREAKING ROBOT BUTLER!

Despite the lackluster first impressions, it's not all terrible. I think if you want to relax, and can get past its issues, you're in for a good time. How do I know that? I saw the trailer, yeah I got some sliver of that stuff alright. Which is also a pretty long time, judging by what the excavation drone has shown so far. Also, 12 bucks is cheap. Still not a fan of the name, tho.

