(Energy Of A Tasmanian Devil) ANTONBLAST

in Hive Gaming4 months ago (edited)


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So much kaboom or kablooey, reminds me of those frantic characters from Nickelodeon that are so overfilled with dopamine. Blowing everything infront of them, blasting out sprites so fast, they're blown to the ether. Funny, tho, this one entry is entirely different from the rest.

If you've played Pizza Tower, the energy is very similar, so suffice it to say, inspiration is all over. But having the destructive tendencies of a Tasmanian Devil, multiple platforming sections to make Wario worry about his grand legacy. Antonblast is quite the blast of a pastime, where cartoonishly crude characters had not a care in the world for their lunacy.

Fast as Sonic, destructive as Wario 64, and the heavy 90s cartoon inspiration is such a sophomore glow up. Also, I'd advise getting a good controller, those blisters are plenty coming. Even more, there's plenty of trophy hunting to do around.

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Mirror-mirror on the wall, who's the wackiest character of them all? Certainly not this crimson devil fella. Going to see a lot of him later on. But yes, his jealousy and utter need to take out Anton is what drives the plot forward, with all the insanity along with it.

I can choose between two characters to play: Anton and Annie. Annie is quite the 'homewrecker', literally bomb dropping from high altitude, she lands with her giant teeth, and bulldozes everything with spike balls while charging with a grin on her face. The mania, craziness, destruction, heels stomping, all of it as I waste no time loitering around.

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Finishing a stage level means I have to tour through the entire level, collecting coins, kind of like Sonic does, using the spike ball to bounce higher reaching tricky areas, platforming here happens so fast in the 2D plane, there's no timer till happy hour.

But yeah, the fun part is just wrecking everything, audio literally samples old cartoon noises, especially the explosions. Traversing through the metroidvanian 2D levels, even the background buildings becoming levels themselves. With the main goal of detonating various areas locked off, and getting access to them. But once all four are done, that's where happy hour happens.

Pushing against the clock of 4 minutes, pummeling through every obstacle, including the ducks. I should mention diving takes them out, and you should because they stop your mobility. And then there's the bandana raccoons, they deal damage. There are also toxic bombs placed around to avoid, and even with a checkpoint save system, you have to do whatever it takes to get what you need, probably meaning exploring unfound areas, and difficult to reach areas, then get out


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At this point, I've realized it's a speedrun platformer. And a pretty crazy one at that, too. You have to be good with the controls, nimble, and have acute level awareness to spot unexplored places. Why? Because there are cool stuff to find. They float around my head.

These cool doodads provide traits and bonuses, like the one I have to buy from this guy after finishing my first stage. He's not happy that I have to come around often. Nonetheless, stuff he sells is great, like a time bomber, a pet that picks up coins from the distance, extra minutes, and so on. I speak for those who loves these kinds of platformers when I say, it's very exhilarating.


Best thing about happy hours is the combination of crazy sections, each different level have something that needs to be broken down in order to progress to the final point. Before then, I'm riding something that is ridiculously loose, and fast, button pressing and barely even catching up. I think I did die a lot, also I maimed husbands? That's first degree murder now.

Fun game, I'm shocked no one's talking about it. You can literally spend a few hours to complete the main quest, but there's so much to explore and find. It takes dozens of it to uncover all of that. God, I miss my Xbox controller, my Dualsense is causing grip pain.

