Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
A Red Little Devil!
So I did say I'd switch things up a little with the vehicles, now just racing to the race is fine enough for me to try all these vehicles out, of-course if I do come across one that I like I can always take it into the race with me right?
As of yet I still need to find one!
This red Alfa Romeo, at-least I think that's what it is. Well she doesn't run all too bad! She is a bit wonky on turns but if you get the feel for her she really can do the job!
Although she wont be working all too well with what I have planned!
When Last Eh!
Sheesh guys and gals I haven't driven this beastly Porsche in quite some time! Actually it has been months and actually I've all but forgotten about this beast I built!
All in all this beast didn't give me the win! It gave me podium if I remember correctly and that is more than enough for me! I don't need to win every race but at the very least I have to absolutely enjoy every race!
Who can't do that when they are gunning as hard as they can in a Porsche?
A Second And A Half!
That was all it took!
It might be more it might be less but it felt like it was a bout a second and a half too late! See I zoned out at the very start a bit and well I got out of the line far too late!
But even with that I still managed to catch up to all these freakers and still enjoy the race like a madman! Heck I was late for the pull away and I still managed to gain some ground on my opponents! Now if that ain't something to count as a win then I don't know what would be!
It Wasn't All Easy Going!
Oh this was an all out race! If these things could take damage I doubt any of these racers would have come close to the finish line! Oh boy oh boy there was a few hard jumps!
I mean real hard! But cut that out for a second! Heck it was a bumpy race! I really didn't care one bit how much damage I got to the car this round! One thing that I know is that I should stop bumping into other cars!
It ruins my speed and sets me back a great deal! Unless I can pass them in that bump!
The Jumps Are Mental!
Heck! Once you've taken that jump you hold on for dear life because once it's taken there is absolutely no taking it back! If you die you die you still can't take it back!
Hectic! Imagine doing this as a job! It must feel like you've lived everyday damned day of your life! Am I right?
At the end everything panned out very great for me and besides it's only a game! Even though I didn't get the winning title I think this was a great one to remember!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

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