I will make a Doctor

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

In todays episode of dCity

As the title suggests I will show you my dear readers the secret to making a Doctor.

This is not some magical undertaking that will immediately have you healing the world but by the time you are done reading this post you will have an understanding of Doctoring in dCITY.

  • Step 1. acquire a Student(debt) citizen which can be farmed or purchased on the marketplace.

I got mine through natural selection and the finest of farming techniques!

  • Step 2. train your student into his new citizen type by paying off their student debt which currently costs 300 SIM.

  • Step 3. wait for the transaction to process and you receive your newly minted citizen type.

If you are new to dCITY and you already have an accoutn on hive just login at dcity.io then you may want to try your luck at purchasing some Students and training them into new citizens.

Not all students will train into Doctors, as there is a randomized training percentage for each student to become a number of options including even Homeless.

If you look at the value of Students and every other citizen type it is almost always profitable to train new citizens.

Just check out the Doctor!

The spread on the bid to ask is pretty high making for some great potential on this citizen for market middlemen.

Playing the market is another aspect of gameplay that makes dCity more profitable than simply buying and holding for the daily passive income.

While Doctors have a lifetime Volume of 687k SIM there have only been 188 total closed Asks and 84 total closed Bids.

This is pretty surprising when you consider the Doctor is a combine citizen that offers huge population percentage increase incentive on the Healthcare Center.

It can be difficult to speculate the future values of rare citizens like this, but I can only imagine that this one will remain significant as time moves forward.

The easiest way to get a Doctor is to fulfill an Ask and spend 7048.99 SIM but you can sit on a Bid order above 2911.1 and get one for less than half off.

All citizens are minted through the student debt training model so you can potentially get lucky and get a Doctor that way like I did.

Purchase Students in the dcity marketplace and hold them until they go into debt or buy them with debt ready to be paid off and try your luck at minting one of the rare citizens like Tax Collector, Politician, Lawyer, Architect etc.

840 SIM + 300 SIM training cost and you could potentially make a Tax Collector which has a market Ask price of 300k SIM and a Bid of 100k SIM.

As you may have figured out by now there is no secret way to make a Doctor.

The only way to "make" one is to play the Student debt training game!

You can win really big so I highly encourage those who dont play dcity to try it out and post the results.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hmm never knew dcity is this wide. Now am tempted to give it a try