There game is hard! I like it so far and will stick with it. At least until I get my shit slow horse 😃
The shit horse is such a step up. More inventory space for one. The number of times I was shuffling back to the Miller's place with a sack full of looted armour and weapons before that.. at like 1mph due to being overburdened hehe...
Lol, I hate being overburdened in games and trailing at a snails pace back somewhere. Always end up doing it though. I will be doing a bit today hopefully!
Lol. I haven't started stalker 2 yet but have many memories of trusting along the wasteland at a snails pace with a lorry load of stuff 😃😃
ah the memories, Stalker 2 has had the main challenges sorted stick drift and turn Gamma up if you want to see at night, no NV or Bins but you do have a torch that shines the princley distance of 3 feet, it's got massive potentional but it feels the style and time of FO NV as in 10 -15 years behind mind you it's been in dev 15 years.
I did think it looked a little dated. Handy tip on the gamma, I hate not being able to see in games!
Make sure you steal the ring from the executioner (or buy it from him).. or that Miller dude won't let you sleep... fucker!
I defo will. I presume all of that stuff is in my next bit which is after escaping the sacking of the village that you start at? My character is gash so far