SECRET N ° 192

in FreeCompliments3 months ago


Chapitre 7 / 9 ( oui on as enfin une fin à la place d'un point d'interrogation ^^ )

L'homme invisible des affaires :

Chapitre 7 : Le compte à rebours

Les aiguilles de l’horloge semblaient peser des tonnes, chaque seconde résonnant comme un marteau sur l’enclume. 23h27. L’homme invisible fixait son écran, analysant une fois de plus les détails des images qu’il avait envoyées à Lys. Une part de lui espérait une révélation miraculeuse avant minuit. Une autre savait qu’il n’avait pas ce luxe.

Un nouveau message clignota sur son écran, brisant le silence oppressant de la pièce.

Lys : Ces gravures... elles ne sont pas seulement un langage. Ce sont des instructions. Chaque symbole est une clé dans un mécanisme. Nyx n’est pas une simple arme ; elle est programmée pour agir de manière autonome. Si l’activation a lieu, elle pourrait rediriger des infrastructures globales d’énergie vers un système centralisé. Alemand ne veut pas seulement le contrôle. Il veut la dépendance totale.

Les mots résonnèrent comme un coup de tonnerre. Une concentration centralisée d’énergie mondiale – c’était bien plus qu’un projet ambitieux. C’était une menace existentielle.

L’homme invisible se leva brusquement. Il consulta son téléphone, localisant un signal émis depuis le serveur de l’entrepôt. La source était mobile, avançant vers un bâtiment hautement sécurisé dans le quartier des affaires. C’était là que l’activation aurait lieu.

Lys : Je peux ralentir les choses de mon côté, mais il va te falloir un accès physique. Si tu peux atteindre Nyx avant minuit, je pourrais tenter un contournement. Mais une fois activée, il sera trop tard.

Un accès physique… Le plan prenait forme dans son esprit, précis et risqué. Il enfila sa veste, ajusta son équipement et glissa une oreillette dans son oreille gauche.

« Lys, tu restes connectée. Si quelque chose change, je veux le savoir immédiatement. »

Lys : Fais attention. Cette fois, ils savent que tu es là.

Il quitta la chambre d’hôtel, son cœur battant à un rythme régulier, presque calme. L’adrénaline ne l’accablait pas – elle le guidait. Il connaissait le bâtiment ciblé : une tour ultramoderne, un nid de vipères. Victor Alemand n’était pas seulement puissant ; il était paranoïaque. Chaque étage serait un défi, chaque corridor une embuscade potentielle.

Il atteignit la tour en vingt minutes, ses mouvements masqués par l’agitation nocturne des rues environnantes. Le quartier, bien que désert, était éclairé par des néons bleutés qui donnaient à la scène une aura presque irréelle. Devant l’entrée, des gardes patrouillaient, armés et vigilants.

L’homme invisible ne perdit pas une seconde. Il contourna le périmètre, localisant une entrée de service. Son dispositif de brouillage désactiva momentanément les caméras de sécurité, lui offrant une fenêtre de quelques minutes pour s’introduire discrètement à l’intérieur.

Une fois dans le bâtiment, il sentit immédiatement la pression augmenter. Les couloirs baignés dans une lumière artificielle froide semblaient sans fin, mais chaque pas le rapprochait de son objectif. Les données de Lys l’aiguillaient, l’amenant vers le centre névralgique où Nyx était conservée.


Il s’arrêta soudain. Un bruit, presque imperceptible, se fit entendre dans le silence. Des pas, lourds et méthodiques. Quelqu’un l’attendait.

Il se glissa dans une alcôve, observant l’ombre s’approcher. L’homme portait un costume sombre, parfaitement taillé. Mais ce n’était pas un simple garde. Sa posture, son assurance – c’était un agent d’élite.

L’homme invisible attendit le moment parfait. Alors que l’agent tournait légèrement la tête, il se glissa derrière lui et l’immobilisa, le laissant inconscient mais indemne. Pas de bruit. Pas de distractions.


Il atteignit enfin la salle principale. Derrière une paroi de verre blindé, il aperçut Nyx. La sphère semblait encore plus imposante que dans l’entrepôt. Ses éclairs de lumière pulsaient à un rythme accéléré, comme si elle sentait l’échéance approcher.

Il connecta son terminal au système de contrôle, tentant d’accéder aux fichiers sécurisés. Mais avant qu’il ne puisse progresser, une voix résonna dans la pièce.

« Vous êtes rapide. Mais pas assez. »

Victor Alemand se tenait à l’autre bout de la salle, les mains dans les poches, un sourire glacial sur le visage.

Chapter 7/9 (yes we finally have an ending instead of a question mark ^^)

The invisible man of business:

Chapter 7: The Countdown

The hands of the clock seemed to weigh a ton, each second echoing like a hammer striking an anvil. 11:27 PM. The Invisible Man stared at his screen, analyzing the details of the images he had sent to Lys once more. A part of him hoped for a miraculous revelation before midnight. Another part knew he couldn’t afford such a luxury.

A new message blinked on his screen, breaking the oppressive silence of the room.

Lys: These engravings... they’re not just a language. They’re instructions. Each symbol is a key in a mechanism. Nyx isn’t just a weapon; it’s programmed to act autonomously. If activation occurs, it could reroute global energy infrastructures to a centralized system. Alemand doesn’t just want control. He wants total dependence.

The words struck like a thunderclap. A centralized concentration of global energy—this was far more than an ambitious project. It was an existential threat.

The Invisible Man stood abruptly. He checked his phone, tracing a signal emitted from the warehouse server. The source was mobile, heading toward a highly secured building in the business district. That was where the activation would take place.

Lys: I can slow things down on my end, but you’ll need physical access. If you can reach Nyx before midnight, I might be able to override it. But once it’s activated, it’ll be too late.

Physical access... The plan began to take shape in his mind—precise and perilous. He donned his jacket, adjusted his equipment, and slipped an earpiece into his left ear.

“Lys, stay connected. If anything changes, I need to know immediately.”

Lys: Be careful. This time, they know you’re coming.

He left the hotel room, his heartbeat steady, almost calm. Adrenaline didn’t overwhelm him—it guided him. He knew the target building: an ultramodern tower, a den of vipers. Victor Alemand wasn’t just powerful; he was paranoid. Every floor would be a challenge, every corridor a potential ambush.

He reached the tower in twenty minutes, his movements masked by the nocturnal bustle of the surrounding streets. Though the district was quiet, it was illuminated by bluish neon lights that gave the scene an almost surreal aura. In front of the entrance, guards patrolled, armed and vigilant.

The Invisible Man didn’t waste a second. He skirted the perimeter, locating a service entrance. His jamming device temporarily disabled the security cameras, giving him a brief window to slip inside unnoticed.

Once inside the building, the pressure intensified immediately. The hallways, bathed in cold artificial light, seemed endless, but each step brought him closer to his objective. Lys’s data guided him, pointing him toward the nerve center where Nyx was held.

11:49 PM.

He suddenly stopped. A sound, barely perceptible, broke the silence. Footsteps, heavy and deliberate. Someone was waiting for him.

He slipped into an alcove, observing the approaching shadow. The man wore a dark, perfectly tailored suit. But this wasn’t an ordinary guard. His posture, his confidence—he was an elite operative.

The Invisible Man waited for the perfect moment. As the agent turned slightly, he moved behind him, immobilizing him with precision, leaving him unconscious but unharmed. No noise. No distractions.

11:55 PM.

He finally reached the main chamber. Behind a wall of reinforced glass, he saw Nyx. The sphere looked even more imposing than in the warehouse. Its flickering lights pulsed at an accelerated rhythm, as if sensing the deadline approaching.

He connected his terminal to the control system, attempting to access the secured files. But before he could make progress, a voice echoed through the room.

“You’re fast. But not fast enough.”

Victor Alemand stood at the far end of the chamber, hands in his pockets, a chilling smile on his face.

Winners SECRET IS :
16 participants

1.26 ALL

@logen9f ( secret + )
@sgcurate ( secret + )
@ironshield.pepe ( secret + )
@pepetoken ( secret + )
@lumpiadobo ( secret + )
@manuvert ( secret + )

Your points for Christmas

NomPoints SECRET+

Victor Alemand stood at the far end of the chamber, hands in his pockets, a chilling smile on his face.

A thrilling cliff-hanger, can't wait to read what happens next. Maybe we'll discover the SECRET. !BBH

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In my past life I was a turtle.
It is slowly coming back to me.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Da Sekret is secreting wit suspense man... !BBH !DIY !DOOK

Hi, @pepetoken,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.


What code did the Vikings use for telegraphs?
Norse Code.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment
 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Un vrai méchant !

Mom are we pyromaniacs?
Yes we arson.

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@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle



merci , et on as enfin une fin à l'histoire dans les dossier draft
ce soir on va préparé le tome 2 ^^



People say I’ve got no willpower
but I’ve quit smoking loads of times.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

include me @lumpiadobo


I was going to tell a joke about hominy.
But it was too corny.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Next with Victor a secret until maybe next time.


I hope Elon Mush never gets invloved in a scandal
Elongate could be really drawn out.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Thank you for the Secret+

Why is Peter Pan always flying?
Because he Neverlands

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If only we could discover the SECRET.


Why was an insomniac shot by the police?
He was resisting a rest.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Thank you boss. More secrets yay!

Why did the king go to the dentist?
To get his teeth crowned.

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Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut?
He just needed a little space.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Encore et toujours, merci pour les SECRET!
L'histoire continue...
Bonne journee, !ALIVE

Ah close enough

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My neighbors listen to really good music.
Whether they like it or not.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Best be quick man! Can't wait to read the next chapter!


What do Thanksgiving and junkies have in common?
Cold turkey.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment


What does a thesaurus have for breakfast?
A synonym roll.

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What code did the Vikings use for telegraphs?
Norse Code.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

!WINE & !PIMP & !BBH 👍


I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine: we just get better with age.
The next day she locked me in the cellar

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment



What do you call a row of people lifting a giant mozzarella?
A cheesy pickup line.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Thank you


It is raining so hard we may need an Ark
Luckily I Noah guy.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Thank you/Merci!

My house-mate is terrified of negative numbers
He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

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I can never take my dog to the park because the ducks keep trying to bite him.
I guess that’s what I get for buying a pure bread dog.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment

I was at the edge of the chair while reading this. It's so good.

Also, how does this token thing works? Where can I find information?

you will win tomorrow, on hive-engine

Thank you 😊 But how will I win? What need I to do?

you commented, you win 😜, to get more you have to find the secret !LOLZ

I just needed to post a comment? It's that simple? That's amazing.

Is there any hint so I can find the secret? 👀

observe who had the SECRET + next to their name and find out why

Ohh, let's see. I think I'm gonna become a detective lol

What's a dry orange good for?
Nothing at all. It's juiceless.

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I wonder if glass coffins will become popular one day?
Remains to be seen.

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 3 months ago Reveal Comment



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