Beautiful rice field views

in FreeCompliments10 months ago

Not all villages have special features, including having fertile rice fields, so all of this is very profitable for the village, including the residents in the village who can be used to plant rice in the rice fields. Soil fertility is one of the gifts given by God to villages. certain villages, meaning that not all villages have fertile land. today I saw the fertility of the land in a village where I looked left and right from the middle of the journey to the village inhabited by large and fertile rice fields. All of this is one of the gifts given by God to the village so that the The residents in it have a high level of prosperity and they have ample space for them to plant rice in the fields. I saw various beauties so that I can say that villages like these are villages that are missed both in terms of view and for us to sit down to plant crops. In this village we can see rice fields that have started operating, some are still planting seeds and some are still being planted. reading This land represents various arts from the farmers here. I would like to say that good luck to the residents who are in the design and have large areas of land for farming. Hopefully you will become millennial farmers thinking about renovations to introduce new products in the world of agriculture. Here are some of my pictures today.










Your post is a hymn to the benefits of to planting and growing rice, and I agree with you.
Fertile land is a true blessing of God.

cari rejeki jangan gini bang caranya

Kamu tau apa @dewabrata anak kamaren sore.
Tampa menelusuri kamu berani menfonis. Hubungi saya via tlpn atau wa kalau kamu seorang pencari kebenaran.

Hi @livinguktaiwan, I noticed that a few users who posted here over the past week were zeroed out by a curation in which you're participating (and you're the only one I recognize by name, hence the tag, haha). Most of them started posting here just recently, but have various account ages.

Would you by any chance know whether these are users with a history of some type of abuse or ring of some sort?

Just want to know because I aim to protect honest users who post in this community, but if there's abuse of whom I'm not yet aware, I'd like to know this too. It would be greatly appreciated!

(Posted by @freecompliments, I keep forgetting to switch the account back lol)

Hi there, they are all part of an Indonesia farm. If you look closely at their accounts you will see similar traits. Apart from recycling content between accounts and plagiarizing, they also steal content and open fake accounts with similar names to other
accounts including myself.

The problem in your community is not too big compared to others such as Dbuzz, but I think it's worth keeping an eye on it before it gets out of control and they litter your community with shit

The plagiarism and repeated content (akin to spam) is definitely a big problem, because these are two of the very limited rules I have. Thanks for letting me know!

If you happen to notice them posting in FC as you browse, please tag me so I can talk to them. I'm willing to help them thrive in Hive if they can post honestly - although I understand that such an outcome may not be likely.

This is just a few of the recent ones. When you curate your community it will be very obvious.

@fc-curation you have to know @livinguktaiwan He was a coward who started it and today he is the one who seeks help from all users. just a loser apparently @livinguktaiwan 😄😄😄