Hello HIVE friends. Here I came across an initiative that I loved and that since the beginning of the year I have been internalizing this topic: Letting go of control. Are there really things that are under my control? Or is everything a fallacy, and we really do not have control of anything, and we assume and believe that we do. Because while it is true, there are things that we do and generate a reaction accordingly, but there are others that do not, and applies the: if it is for you, you will have it, it will be yours, and I'm talking at a generalized level with everything we want to obtain and achieve.
Uno de mis metas del año, que coloqué en mi agenda fue: Soltar el control y dejar fluir. Que fuerte la sensación de querer controlar todo, de creernos capaces de tener el dominio de lo que queremos que suceda, y no. Podemos planificar, organizar, pero al final, pasa lo que tenga que pasar. Y hay una frase que la tengo pegada y la repito cuando algo no sale como yo esperaba: Todo obra para bien, y lo mejor es eso que pasa. En el momento no entendemos, pero todo nos conviene.
One of my goals for the year, which I put on my agenda was: Let go of control and let it flow. How strong is the feeling of wanting to control everything, of believing ourselves capable of having control of what we want to happen, but we don't. We can plan, organize, but in the end, whatever happens, happens. We can plan, organize, but in the end, whatever happens, happens. And there is a phrase that I have stuck to me and I repeat it when something does not go as I expected: Everything works for the best, and the best thing is what happens. At the moment we don't understand, but everything works out for the best.
He aprendido poco a poco a no estresarme, a soltar el control. Y no tratando de entender todo lo que sucede, porque muchas veces no obtendremos las respuestas que queremos, pero si los resultados que en ese momento necesitamos, porque simplemente debía ser así. La confianza me genera paz, calma, tranquilidad, todo se va a dar en el momento que yo esté preparada para recibirlo. Y lo que no se dio, lo que no me respondieron, la puerta que no se abrió, es sencillamente porque así debía de pasar.
I have learned little by little not to stress myself, to let go of control. And not trying to understand everything that happens, because many times we will not get the answers we want, but the results we need at that moment, because it simply had to be that way. Trust generates peace, calm, tranquility, everything will be given at the moment I am ready to receive it. And what was not given, what was not answered, the door that did not open, is simply because it had to happen that way.
Nadie, nadie ha cambiado ninguna situación por preocuparse más o menos. Una mente sobria, en calma, pensante, logra vivir tranquilo, entendiendo que, la vida da muchas vueltas y hay que aprender a adaptarse a cada situación eligiendo la felicidad por encima de todo. Porque sí, es una decisión diaria, y constante que con determinación se logra. Hoy, elijo ser feliz, elijo tener paz, elijo conectar con mi ser, conmigo misma, respetando y valorándome, escuchando mi cuerpo y entendiendo que la calma y la paz está en mí, solo tengo que dejarla fluir.
Nobody, nobody has changed any situation by worrying more or less. A sober, calm, thinking mind, manages to live peacefully, understanding that life takes many turns and we must learn to adapt to each situation, choosing happiness above all else. Because yes, it is a daily and constant decision that with determination is achieved. Today, I choose to be happy, I choose to have peace, I choose to connect with my being, with myself, respecting and valuing myself, listening to my body and understanding that calm and peace is in me, I just have to let it flow.
Con amor, Julli
With love Julli.
Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi 12
All photos are my own, taken with my redmi 12
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