The Outdoor Most Wonderful Travel Near Calangahan Coastal Areas

in Outdoors and morelast year


Outdoor traveling is very fun and enjoyable and all of loves to do this kind of adventurous activities. Today is Saturday and the school is out so I have time to explored some of the place here and taking more pictures of the fascinating things and views I can seen during my outdoor hiking activities. Our Province contains lots of good and relaxing sceneries and most of it are valuable crops, plants, landscapes, Shorelines and stone formations and stone walls.

The first pictures shows about the primary source of income to all residents here, by producing copra out of coconut trees. As for that, the coconut farmers decided to plant more of it so that they can harvest more coconut fruits in the right time. There are 400 coconut trees planted here in this place and all of it are already produced fruits and ready to harvest.



Stone walls and rock formations are also in the place. This big stone walls was already covered with vines and roots of the trees. There are lots of holes and many different kinds of animals and insects hide in the place. Some of this are snakes, Centipedes, Scorpions and even lizards. Above of this big rocks are the series of trees grows even if it only contains a small amount of soil. The roots of the trees already clinging in the stones. This is one of the great landscapes and over views here in the place I went.


There are also some of the coconut plants grows near at the coastal areas. Some of this are not intend to plant by the land owner, the coconut fruits was washed away and ended it here and after many years has past, those fruits grows taller. This trees also leaning to the sea because of the strong winds happen here, some of it are already cut Because it will be dangerous to climb up and some of it are cut by Nature Activities.



Some of the trees can be seen here are Molave and Mahogany tree, There is also a tree that we called Balete tree and it is very common here in our place. Some of the trees here are already vanished its leaves because of the summer season happens here in our country. Only the branches of the trees left and still there are lots of birds can be heard tweeting and flying around the place and berching on the tree branches. It keeps the the place cool and relaxing when there are lots of big trees grows.


This is the Balete, The oldest tree here in our place. Our elders says that it already grows 85 years already, the roots are everywhere and it keeps growing giving the place a shady and cool areas. This kind of tree helps the soil or land of not eroded due to floods or heavy rainfall. That is why they don't want to cut this tree down to maintain the place awesome views.



This road leads to shoreline and it helps for the residents here so that they can take a shortcut road. This road surrounded with many big kinda of trees and wild plants and also there are lots of stone walls and some corals that we called, Pagang. Hiking is very fun and enjoyable, we can see many fascinating things and views and we can feel the coolness and freshness of the surroundings. Barangay Calangahan contain lots of great overviews, that is why many people came from far away places likes to visit here and do camping together with their friends or families. I hope this place will remains it beautiful views until next generation to come.