Photography lovers

in Outdoors and more3 months ago

Hello every buddy,

I drove to the shop on my bike to get the last minute shopping done and after that I felt very good and drove back with a really big detour.
I t was cold, 1 degree Celsius and it was foggy with a little drizzle rain. Perfect conditions to not see a single soul in the forest.

It was such a calm afternoon and the forest looked very magical. Moody foggy conditions. I regrade not taking my good camera with me. But my telephone is also capable to capture the circumstances.

This is the entry of the forest. It looks like a long end to drive it and it is slightly uphill so a little challenge.

The rain was not much but I did get wet and a bit sweaty from cycling. That made me feel pretty cold after a while.


Also because I was standing still to take the pictures.


But it was so pretty out there. I loved it.


I do drive here often and then I take a rest on this bench but that was really to cold. And the bench was wet. Normally you can see far in this place. Now it was just big fog.



The trees standing tall in the mist. I really wanted to zoom in more to get the details of the dark trees in the white mist but my telephone is not that good. My Samsung S24 broke down and my new one is not that good.





And a selfie with fogged up glasses. I was warm and sweaty and standing still than is no good for people with glasses.


It was a nice 12 kilometers bike ride.

Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Travelfeed profile!

And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!


Your photography always very beautiful, and Deserves praise.

Thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏

A perfect bike ride! The mist and the leafless trees forest makes the all ambiance so dramatic and so photogenic... Just two more days for the badge, my friend!

And there was a hawk of some kind making noise, that broke the silence but was very awesome with that moody forest

Nice photos! Are there wild animals in the forest?

Yes, there are a lot of deer and voxes. And there is a pak of badgers too. And recently there is a wolf that wants to make it its home

That's interesting to know!

Pretty brave to go ride with a weather like that 😂

All amazing pictures, it's good nobody was there

It was very good to be outside. And nobody there was perfect.