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RE: Gone north

in Outdoors and morelast year

At least the fencing isn't electric. That adds a whole new level of fun! My buddy has some property up across the bridge in Michigan and he keeps saying I need to go up for a weekend with him. We never get around to setting a date, but I really need to do that sometime.


Electric fencing can be problematic, especially for curious kids who just have to find out if it's really electified. Lol.

I hope you get up to Michigan, it would be a nice break.

My cousin's on the farm used to make me touch the electric fence when I was a kid.

Haha...good cousins...Sounds about par for the course. Kids get up to some stupid shit huh? I know I did.

Yeah, at the time it wasn't so funny, but looking back now, it is a fond memory quite honestly!