🦉 Garu, the royal owl that I fell in love with from the beginning 🦉

While it is true that owls are not pets and I am not in favor of keeping birds as such, in Japan it is apparently legal to keep them as pets, as long as certain care and conservation protocols are followed and this young man has apparently done it wonderfully. He has had Garu since pigeonhood, so the owl is used to him and a beautiful feathered friendship has been forged.
What I like about Gen is that he doesn't keep him locked up in a cage, he is loose and free around his house and has repeatedly taken him out for walks in the wild, but the owl doesn't run away, he stays by his side and that means that Garu recognized Gen as his most trusted friend and is loyal to him.
He has many fun and varied videos, it was hard to choose which one to share because they are all beautiful, but the ones I like the most are the ones of walks because I love to see birds enjoying nature and flying through it.
We have videos of Garu sleeping, playing, getting into mischief, exploring nature, taking a bath, being affectionate with his owner, going to the vet, Gen shares a whole adventure with an animal different from the common, like cats and dogs and it is more than obvious that Garu feels comfortable with him.
The eagle owl is the most common owl, but its majesty and glamour made it my favorite species, besides, who can resist that little face and those eyes. The reason why I love this channel is more than obvious, I am a crazy owl lover, especially the eagle owl that many people can be afraid of because of its size and claws, but they are very calm birds, obviously they will defend themselves if you bother them or mess with their young, but other than that they are not aggressive at all and it is a delight to behold them and finding this channel gave me more reasons to fall in love with owls.

Currently Gen is not uploading videos of Garu for more than a year, I don't know what happened with his channel or Garu, I hope both are well and at some point decide to return to share their adventures because we can learn a lot about these wonderful birds and we can see a different side of that nocturnal bird of prey that many fear, but do not know that they can be as tender and loving with humans as any other pet.
Thank you very much for your feathered visit!
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