Imagine creating your favorite characters with this level of realism!

in YouHive5 months ago

A YouTube channel of pure art!

Colorful Simple Seminar YouTube Thumbnail.jpg

📷 Image edited in Canva with their free resources - Screenshot from Dr.Garuda's channel

It is no longer a secret that I love dinosaurs, especially the Velociraptor and I think it was for this reason that YouTube recommended Dr. Garuda's channel to me a couple of months ago. This person makes sculptures of all kinds of characters, not only dinosaurs, but this time I will share the two dinosaurs that I liked the most of his creations so you can see how talented he is.


The first video I watched was the one of Blue, I was impressed with the detail and realism presented and you will be even more amazed at what these sculptures are made of. From a small piece of clay and wires came this marvel. He placed even the smallest detail, making a relief and coloring that even makes it look real, this is art and pure talent, as well as pulse, patience and precision.


📷 Screenshot

First he makes the sketch in drawing, which is perfect, I love drawing in black and white, I always liked to draw like this because I never learned to color, but he takes it to another level.

Although Blue does not have the characteristics and character of a Velociraptor as we know it, I am a fan of it and seeing this creation made me want to have that sculpture in my house. I already have Blue figures, but I would love to have one created by myself, I'm not saying at this level, but something created by me.


The other one that impressed me was the Indominus Rex, I admit that when I saw it I assumed that maybe he had made the Indoraptor, as some of you may know, I love that badly created hybrid and I would have loved to see a figure made by Dr. Garuda of him, but unfortunately he didn't do it.


📷 Screenshot

Even so, look at this creation and that drawing, it is identical to the one in the movie and this makes me think that there are people who have such a striking talent that it is worthwhile for more people to know about it.

As I said, he not only makes dinosaurs, you can see an endless number of characters that have nothing to do with each other and the realism that he makes them, is worthy of admiration.



📷 Screenshot Dr. Garuda's channel

Why did I like this channel so much?

Well, I have an inner child that still loves to collect figures of her favorite characters, although nowadays I don't do it for economic reasons and seeing his creations, how from a piece of wire the character takes shape, the whole procedure in the same video, makes me wish I had that talent. Another thing is that there was a time when I wanted to create my own figures of my favorite characters, so watching his videos is like seeing that dream materialized by another person who does it extremely well.

With that level of realism I would create the following characters: The Indoraptor without a doubt, Lord Shen, Po, Buhito, the penguins of Madagascar, Hedwig, and many more, the creations would be infinite ❤️


Buhito's social networks




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Wow tremendous artist please worthy that you follow him clear of reason devordas creativadadad I love how he makes these characters so real wow

That's why they caught my attention, they are very realistic and made me want to have one of his works, preferably dinosaurs haha 😂

What can I say, it's absolutely amazing that channel, I've always loved dinosaurs and this mixes art with them. I love it all!😍

Que te puedo decir, es absolutamente asombroso ese canal, siempre me han gustado los dinosaurios y esto mezcla el arte con ellos. Me encanta todo!😍

He made several designs, but I loved these two, it influences that they are one of my favorites haha and the realism and detail with which he makes them is impressive 😍

Seguramente te gustaría tener uno de ellos o los dos... seguro!

I saw the first video and I love how he gives texture to the dinosaur with the plastic and his tool, definitely impressive.

A very special and magical talent this guy has.

It is true, he makes art, this is art, his creations are perfect I dare say, I want one of his sculptures haha

People who draw or paint with so much realism are truly from another world hehe, plus those sculptures are really high level! I have many favorite channels. Greetings friend!

I wish I had that talent, I would make sculptures of so many characters that I love haha this guy is very talented 😍

I hope you can participate in the initiative, there is time until the end of the month 😊

Saludos Buhito. Muy interesante a mi también me gusta este tipo de cosas, si que hay mucho para ver.

Muchas gracias 😊

Although I'm not a huge dinosaurs fan (not that I don't like them, it's just not my thing), I could watch these videos for hours, look at the details! Such a cool work

He makes other types of figures as well, maybe you will find one that you like more, anime, movie characters, singers, it's a genius 😍

This guy is really a first class artist. Making big sculptures is hard, I imagine them so small and super realistic... what a level of detail and patience, my God. In the first one they made me create a dino starting from the same base that he uses. With wires. It didn't turn out the same because hahahahahaha

En verdad que este tipo es un artista de primera. Hacer esculturas grandes es dificil me imagino tan pequeñas y super realistas ... que nivel de detalle y paciencia dios meo. En la primeria me hicieron crear un dino partiendo de la misma base que el usa. Con alambres. No me quedo igual porqueeee ajjajajajajaa

¿Te imaginas si tuviera ese talento? Podria cumplir mi sueño y hacer esculturas de Buhitos colosales y conquistar el mundo 🦉

¿En serio tia, y donde esta ese dino? ¿Por que nunca lo vi? 🦉 Haganos dinos tia

Por que lo tire a la mierda... era horrendo

Wow, I didn't know this channel but the truth is that it really catches my attention, I like to see how they build things.

Wow! No conocía este canal pero la verdad es que me llama mucho la atención, me gusta ver como construyen cosas.

It's a great channel, with a lot of talent and creativity, maybe you'll find a character you like 😍

Wow! Dr. Garuda me ha dejado ESTUPEFACTA! No solo es talento, también mucha experiencia, años de práctica y una paciencia monumental!

Ví los vídeos de principio a fin! La forma en la que le hace los ojos, las garras y la técnica que usa para darle la textura de la piel. Yo estaba presentando mucha atención a cada detalle para cuando me manden hacer una torta con forma de dinosaurio! Jajajajaja 🤣😂🤣 Por cierto, amé el dibujo que hace antes de ponerse a darle forma a sus esculturas.

Mientras veía el vídeo no pude evitar preguntarme cuánto tiempo le tomará hacer cada pieza.

¡Simplemente admirable!.

Estoy segura que si te lo propones y con las técnicas adecuadas podrás hacer una escultura de Buhito lindo. 😆🦉🥰

Gracias, mi Yami por compartir este lindo post!

Hay que tener mucha pasion para tener semejante paciencia jajaja Buhito ya hubiese extinguido a los dinos otra vez 😂

Uy, un pastel de Jurassic Park, yo quiero jajaja 😂 de verdad que presta mucha atencion a cada detalle, la piel me ha dejado impresionada porque le hace la textura como si fuese real ❤️ ya con los dibujos que hace es mas que evidente que tiene muchisima experiencia y practica.

Supongo que debe demorar bastante, aunque si ya tiene dominio de la misma debe encontrar la forma de ser eficaz jaja ay no se 😂

Queria hacer una escultura de Buhito, pero luego pense que quiza sale endemoniado tambien y mejor no 😂

¡Muchas gracias por tu bonita visita! 😘