The playoffs gave arrived finally! Man, I remember getting super focused for this playoff run. I wanted this Super Bowl so stinking bad, and was tired of losing in the playoffs.
Lucky for me, I didn't have to stress this game too long. CJ2K did CJ2K things and just spazzed on the very first play of the game! 78 yards to the house. Truly a reminiscent run that prime Chris Johnson pulled off in real life dozens of times.
What a magical player that I got to watch as a kid. A truly special talent. Nobody faster, man.
My opponent did not give up completely immediately, but it didn't take long. My defense proved to be too much. Consistent pressure on Joe Flacco led to an impressive interception by Ty Law and that's all she wrote in this one!
I find it so trippy and fun to be writing this game summary featuring players like Flacco, CJ2K and Ty Law in 2024. This is why Ultimate Team is so great. My opponent had Emmitt Smith as well, probably should have used him.
Anyway, that's how the Wild Card game of this run went down. It's so fun seeing the game be played in Nashville, in primetime.
I really want to edit and post the final two games, but I'm genuinely too freaking tired HA. Excited to get them out! This has been a fun series.
CJ2K's college days!