My Number 1 goal for 2024 is to prioritize myself!!!

in Ecency Supportlast year
The year 2024 came upon me with an unusual hope after a turbulent year in 2023. Last year's range staggered between stagnancy and sluggish growth for me. Nonetheless, my gratitude lies in the gift of life itself. Recounting the events of previous years, I have realized the cause of most of my troubles has stemmed from the need to satisfy people around me, and friends and family fall into this category.

Man cannot live in isolation; we need one another to survive. I have encountered people with a myriad of characters and selfishness, and my decision and resolution for the year 2024 is to prioritize myself without being selfish and insensitive.


Giving myself priority means paying more conscious attention to my well-being and all that concerns me. I should engage in many more social activities that would relieve me of troubling thoughts and wants. The implication of my priority is to develop my mind to worry less about things that do not directly concern me, and even when they do, I will remind myself that my happiness is paramount.

I hope the new year brings more ease and comfort to us all. I'm glad to participate in ecency prompt once again. You can share your number one goal for 2024 through this PROMPT .

Thank you for reading. I would love to have your comments and contributions.


I think this priority is important, especially if we want to develop ourselves and evolve. At the end of the day, that's what we truly have.

Thank you very much. We need to be in good standing to help others up... Not the lame helping the lame to walk

Exactly, first build ourselves up then help build up others. That's usually how true or lasting impact can be made.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 190 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Usually, we forget our priorities when it comes to others well being, especially to those who are close to us.

You're right, nonetheless, we must be able to filter those we should go extreme for and not for

Very true

Thank you for your kind comment, I'm grateful

Most welcome

Do you already have any social activities in your mind?

Not really, but cinemas, board games and hangouts are an option for me. Thank you very much