Hello @ecencysupport community, I came across this contest and I felt very identified with the topic.
At some point in my life I was a relatively young mother (I had my first daughter when I was 30, that is, "super old" for the time and Latin social standards), while I was engaged to get married, my husband supported me in studying teaching. , since I was just a "teaching technician", something like a teacher for rural communities.
After 2 years we got married and didn't look for children until I graduated, a year later. Once with the baby in our arms, we took turns going to work, we didn't have a honeymoon, we invested everything in our house and vehicle, medical insurance and help, I brought 2 girls from the country who were in charge of the house, cooking, etc. especially because eleven months later I became pregnant with my second daughter.
The reason I tell these details is because, even in the modern world, I personally believe that with discipline and organization you can do wonders. I continued studying until I was 59, long after I was widowed, and my daughters helped me with everything, because that was what was instilled in them.
We have to mature.
Finding joy in what we do even if it is not what we dream of. This is not a world for the weak of character, but it is for the grateful eye.
With the current recession, I find it much more productive to be happy because you have an income. The ideal is to focus on what you love about that 9 to 5 job: your coworkers, connections and friendships, knowledge, etc. In your free time, focus on what you love to do. For example, I worked from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. m. and at night, from 6 to 9 p.m. m
On weekends, holidays and free afternoons I surrounded myself with friends and taught them how to knit. On vacation, my husband and I would meet with people to fix damage in the house and with the girls we would go to the nursery to choose new flowers and plants to replace those that had died during the year.. Because, and this is exactly my point is immature to believe that everything can be done at the same time and everything perfect. Those are inventions of modern life and social networks. In my opinion. We went out to restaurants very little, our outings were to my sister's and vacations with our respective families.
For my part, I always wanted to be a lawyer. But I decided and knew in my heart that even more, I wanted to be a mother and have my home. And although I had the opportunity to study law later in life, I decided to enjoy my grandchildren and the joys of my work. I speak to you from my experience, it is the only way.
Nowadays "multitasking" is so harmful to people's physical and psychological health. You have to mature. Get organized and put aside the nonsense of wanting to be a "super person" for what? For whom it is? Is the question. What standards are we imposing on ourselves?
My philosophy of life is summarized in: living with gratitude, discipline, feet firmly on the ground and maintaining the heart of a child at all costs, which is the most powerful tool to achieve dreams and achieve emotional and physical balance. Ask yourself, at 74 years old as I am, what do I want more?
An old age where I had time to absorb the beauty of life or a pile of forgotten memories on an extinct social network?
"life is a journey not a destination"
P. D. I'm not telling everyone what to do with their lives, no, no. I just trying to show a fresh perspective.
📸 : all this pictures are mine for my family album.
Thanks for reading me 🙏