Heavily Aim First and Second position line up

in Splinterlandslast year (edited)

Possibilus .png

Good day everyone and Splinterlands community One of today's blogs is sharing my battle experience with reach ability from summoner Possibilus The Wise. The use of water element, and summoner POSSIBILUS THE WISE for prioritizing attacking the first position of the enemy unit line-up. A strategy for water line-up utilizing its abilities in the battle and making decisions for position in every unit.



It has the abilities Trample and Reach with a buff of +2 health.

This card is a very strong and practical legendary summoner who can create a wide range of strategies by using melee that has massive melee damage and can combo the Inspire ability from River Hellondale. This element also has a decent speed unit count. Diemonshark and Coastal Sentry are the best combo for this summoner and add combo for sneaky attacks Deeplurker, Uraeus, and Pelacor Bandit. Since I want to utilize this summoner's abilities, I prioritize using the melee damage lineup.

Link of the Battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_d088f91cd62181890311399136d5a774


The rule set given is Target Practice with 55 mana-cap and the water, Death, and Dragon are active in this battle. I chose the element because it dominates in speed and damage when it comes to this water element, and Possibilus the Wise for I plan to dominate the first position of the enemy with my Diemonshark and Coastal Sentry.

My Plan Line up

First position - Diemondshark
  • Act as a tank in the First Position and Enrage ability if triggered when it is not in full health then will also act as a second main damage.
Second position - Coastal Sentry
  • A Second position for it has a Reach ability from my Possibbilus the Wise summoner with 5 melee damage and a Double Strike ability which is strong enough that can act as the main damage of my team.
Third position - Kulu Mastermind
  • A 4 melee damage with shield ability is useful if my first and second position is executed early. This unit can also prioritize to attack those low-health enemy units.
Fourth position - DeepLurker
  • The third main damage of my team is DeepLuker because it has 5 melee damage with poison and can also target first those low health units.
Fifth position - Supply Runner
  • Act as a support unit to my team because it has Swiftnness, and Strengthen Abilties.
Last position - Wave Brood
  • Act as a taunt if the opponent mainly uses Magic damage, Range damage, and Sneaky attacks.

Selecting a useful ability in this battle with a good amount of damage will increase your chances of victory in this type of rule set.

Am I gonna lose this battle?

Well, it is quite hard to decide in first round because the opponent uses also Possibilus the Wise, and a combo with Arkemis the Bear and Coastal Sentry which is a pretty good line up. And we know that Arkemis the Bear is better than my Diemonshark when in terms of tanking, damage, and buffing. Though I have Enrage and Retaliate Abilities still need to trigger, 50% chance to retaliate, can be countered by amplify or cleanse which is quite risky for this battle. Though I bet my luck on this battle hopefully will trigger these abilities.


Thankfully my Diemonshark did its best to execute Trample, Enrage a chance of incoming attacks, and Retaliate. Making the opponent Arkemis the Bear and Coastal Sentry easily Executed in early rounds. The rest of my unit also did good part to support the damage and trigger the trample abilities of Kulu the Mastermind and Deepluker. And yes not a single unit of my team is executed and my plan of using this summoner makes me win this match rule set. Though I didn't utilize the use of Target Practice, it's still not that quite of useful because I don't have the stronger unit to utilize this rule set. Did my assumption predict? will it be common to assume because of the rule set given and the opponent didn't prioritize the use of magic attacks, so make sure to analyze your lineup and choose useful units for a chance of winning in every battle.

This is another strategy for using Water element feel free to check my other blog that uses Water hopefully this could help you in the battle. 😊


Thank You! for being here, coming this far, and supporting me. I hope this will help you in some of your battles.🤗
You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in this rule set.

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And edited Design photo Splinterlands Modern League using Canva


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wow u won without arkemis not bad zactian. not sure about his noa tho since it couldnt attack.

The only role for his Noa is it's abilities, but yeah got Lucky it trigger the trample/retaliate of my Diemonshark and Coastal.😁

ya you got a bit lucky :P i usually play something similar but with arkemis the bear

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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice