Good day everyone splinterlands community, zactian here. Today I'll blog about another weekly challenge, Battle Mage Secrets, and share my strategy.
What Account Use
I'll play my main Account (IGN: zactian). I will reveal my primary technique in this rule-set Diamond League level.
Challenge Rule set
Even Stevens is the challenge, which gives only Even Number mana costs are only usable in this battle.
Comment below with your opinions on the potential lineups at this level. Is it effective for this battle ruleset? Let's see and match up with the Even Stevens rule set.

Equal Opportunity

Rule Set
- All units will gain the Fury ability.
- Only Even number of man cost units usable for this battle.
- All units are in Equal health and will be based on the higher health unit.
Recommended summoner to use Even Stevens for this match:
Since this is an Even Steven and Equalizer Rule Set I would recommend choosing the Dragon Element for extra cards to choose from with Quix The Devious summoner to reduce Range and Speed. Also good because you want Chaos Dragon present in this battle for the rule set given mana-cap is 47.
Note: I only have limited cards but they are useful in some rule sets and I will try my best to win with existing cards. So if you want a high chance of winning, I advise you to rent or buy useful or stronger cards for most rule sets.

Quix the Devious
- Decreasing speed and range by 1
- With the dragon element, this is the ideal choice as it allows you to extra choices of what unit you want to choose for line up. And this element also has the presence of Chaos Dragon for Even Stevens Rule Set. Combining element by water element because I plan to put Djinn Oshannus in my team, and most of these element units are high in speed giving me the chance to attack first.

Link of the battle: RUMBLE
My Lineup
First position - Diemonshark
- Acts as a tank in the first position because of decent health which can act as a tank, and it can even have a chance of Retaliate if hit by the opponent unit.
Second position - Djinn Oshannus
- A Second position for Djinn Oshannus, I chose this for an extra damage tank if the opponent uses magic units and massive more than 5 damage then will be hit by 1 damage.
Third position - Deeplurker
- A 5 melee damage with a chance of applying poison to enemy units, this is good for the Main damage of my team.
Fourth position - Chaos Dragon
- Another Main damage but with magic to my team with blasts ability and Brandon attack from opponent line up.
Fifth position - Kulu Swimhunter
- Additional range damage for my team with decent speed and can help attack to first position.
Last position - Igor Darkspear
- Support and additional range damage to my team because it has stun ability a chance of applying stun to opponent unit.

Analyzing Battle
The opposing team uses Kelya Frendul summoner, a good tank for it has 1 armor to its units and speed. Though from the look of its line up, I think it would be wise choose possibilus the wise for it has reach ability perfect for Diemonshark and Coastal Sentry😅. Don't know why the opponent didn't choose Possibilus the Wise summoner, maybe the opponent didn't have yet this summoner rented or owned. But I think I would win this battle because the opponent didn't utilize its lineup, and my Djiin Oshannus is perfect to counter those 5 melee damage and up. Overall it is good line up with Doctor Blight present in the third position, only the Possibilus the Wise is missing in action😅.
Effective or not?
Well, that's quite a close battle, I forgot that my Deeplurker has a Demoralize ability making the opponent reduce melee damage by 1, then the opponent Coastal Sentry is able to execute easily to my Diemonshark and Djinn Oshannus. My plan executed well for this battle, this is just the basic line-up for my Even Stevens Rule Set, and my Chaos Dragon carried me in this battle.
However, I might lose if the other team has some powerful Legendary or uses Possibilus the Wise summoner.
My favorite line-up in the element is water where most units found are high in speed, If you want to use Water Line-up, please read over some of my blogs; they could be useful. 😊

Thank You! for being here, coming this far, and supporting me. I hope this will help you in some of your battles.🤗
You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in this rule set.
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