Good day everyone and Splinterlands community. One of today's blogs is sharing my battle experience the another battle between Conqueror Jacek and Lily Shieldpaw both Legendary.
I already did share my first blog which is the same battle between Conqueror Jacek and Lily Shieldpaw both Legendary. This shows that my repetitive and common line up effective in most of the battles. I'm kinda starting to like this Fire element.
The rule sets determine the units you will use for every team, and you may further refine your guesses about potential units and summoners by reviewing the opponent's past performance.
If you have time feel free to check my blog about Decisive battle between Conqueror Jacek and Lily Shieldpaw
Link of the Battle:
The rule set given is Close range with a 99 mana cap and all elements are active. The reason I choose to pick Conqueror Jacek is first the Speed because with speed I can have a higher chance of attacking first and it can also have chance to miss incoming attacks. Second, there is the presence of Countes Sinash and Supply Runner making it even more speed. Third, some units have higher damage and decent tanks like Lava Launcher and Djinn Inferni for damage and Ferox Defender and Grum Flameblade as tanks.
Lastly, this summoner has Piercing making it very useful for range attacks and melee attacks.
Line Up
Well it is the same as what I did in the recent blog battle Decisive battle between Conqueror Jacek and Lily Shieldpaw
First position - Grum Flameblade
- Act as a tank in the First Position and a good choice to act as a tank if the opponent uses Magic.
Second position - Ferox Defender
- A Second position for adding extra Armor to my team with Protect Ability and can also act as a tank after Defeating my Grum Flameblade.
Third position - Lava Launcher
- A 5 range damage which is the main range damage of my team and a third position because it has Close Range ability making it a good choice to put.
Fourth position - Djinn Inferni
- A 5 magic damage which is my main magic damage of my team and also hs stun and giant-killing abilities.
Fifth position - Supply Runner
- Additional damage and adds more support in speed and strengthh to my team.
Last position - Countess Sinash
- My additional Main damage with 4 Range damage with Blast ability making it a good combo with Conqueror Jacek summoner and with Supply Runner.
Selecting a useful ability in this battle with a good amount of damage will increase your chances of victory in this type of rule set.
Is my lineup effective for 99 mana cap rule set?
As you can watch the battle I overpowered the opponent by Speed difference. I was able to execute Djinn Renova, stun Chaos Dragon, and use all up abilities of the opponent Resurrect Adelade Brightwing and Oshuur Constantia. Although the opponent Lineup shows a good lineup prioritizing in Magic units which are then Tanked by my Grum Flameblade😅. I think the opponent also wants to boost the stats of Chaos Dragon and Mantaroth with the help of Iziar and if Iziar executes then will be Resurect by Adelade Brightwing and Oshuur Constantia that is why the opponent chooses Lily Shieldpaw for Iziar to target first those range and magic attack. Things go as planned for the opponent because I choose Conqueror Jacek making it a bad matchup.
It's all luck if you choose this summoner Conqueror Jacek 50 percent will go to what you want to hit And the rest is easy because the enemy Chaos dragon didn't much help in that battle. And if you guess that I win then you are right.
First shared Battle:
Second shared Battle:
This is my common lineup for the Fire element feel free to comment on what lineup or units I would use for this Element.😁 If the opponent chooses Quiz the Devious I might have a chance of defeat especially if they have stronger Legendary Units.
I am using BLTZR WIZARD 728 Battling in the Diamond/Champion modern league.
There is a 50/50 chance of winning when using the Aimless. Depending on the situation, I enjoy this rule set when paired with another rule set, but other times I avoid it since the random number generator (RNG) hits by luck😅.
If you would want to use Water Line up, please read over some of my blogs; they could be useful. 😊
Thank You! for being here, coming this far, and supporting me. I hope this will help you in some of your battles.🤗
You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in this rule set.
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