Somos el Clan IRON FAINT les escribe su compañero Richardoswal , Diariamente les estaré hablando de las cartas Rebelión (CORE, PROMO), historia, cartas necesarias para llevarla al nivel máximo y cuando vale la carta en el mercado. Conoce con nosotros diariamente cada una de estas cartas que este fabulo juego nos Presenta.
We are the IRON FAINT Clan your partner Richardoswal writes to you, Daily I will be talking to you about the Rebellion cards (CORE, PROMO), history, cards necessary to take it to the maximum level and when the card is worth it on the market. Meet with us daily each of these cards that this fabulous game presents to us.
En esta oportunidad estaremos describiendo la carta del elemento FUEGO llamada Torch Myrmidon, interesante carta la cual en su nivel máximo posee 3 Habilidad Flank, Close Range,Shatter.
Historia: La Antorcha supervisa el gobierno de Incaendium. Sus visires se rodean de una camarilla de asistentes, incluidos los mirmidones, que sirven como administradores y guardianes.
El elfo de ceniza Laur'tireth Nar'ignas es solo uno de los muchos mirmidones que sirven a Lady Zafira, visir del Executus Infernum. Daría su vida por ella; también le daría su corazón si pudiera reunir el coraje.
On this occasion we will be describing the FIRE element card called Torch Myrmidon, an interesting card which at its maximum level has 3 Abilities Flank, Close Range, Shatter.
History: The Torch oversees the governance of Incaendium. Its viziers surround themselves with a coterie of assistants, including the myrmidons who serve as both stewards and guardians.
The cinder elf Laur'tireth Nar'ignas is just one of the many myrmidons who serve Lady Zafira, vizier of the Executus Infernum. He would give his life for her; he would give her his heart as well if he could muster the courage.
Para obtener a Torch Myrmidon al nivel 8 (nivel máximo), se necesitan 115 cartas, recordando que este es una carta Rara.
To obtain Torch Myrmidon at level 8 (maximum level), 115 cards are needed, remembering that this is a Rare card.
Para obtener 1 carta de Torch Myrmidon en el mercado se necesita 0,20 o 263,99 Dec .
To get 1 Torch Myrmidon card on the market you need 0,20 o 263,99 Dec