Daily Reward from the League
In this post I show you my rewards from the league every day, since I play with 2 accounts I also show both. Below you can see the last season rewards.
To the individual accounts
- League Wild Gold - Diamond
- SPS Staked: 77,433.592
- Summoners Level Max.
- Liga Wild Bonze - Silver
- SPS Staked: 3,816.542
- Summoners Level 2 (Gold Foil)
Tägliche Belohnung aus der Liga
In diesem Post zeige ich euch täglichen meine Belohnungen aus der Liga, da ich mit 2 Accounts spiele zeige ich auch beide. Darunter seht ihr die letzte Saisonbelohnungen.
Zu den einzelnen Accounts
- Liga Wild Diamant - Champion
- SPS Staked: 77,433.592
- Beschwöret Level Max.
- Liga Wild Bonze - Silver
- SPS Staked: 3,816.542
- Beschwöret Level 2 (Gold Foil)
Daily reward
Kryptofire League Diamant - Champion

Kryptof League Bonze - Silver

Kryptofire League Diamant

Kryptof League Silver

On my blog you can find more giveaways:
Auf meinem Blog findet ihr weiter Giveaways:
Day | Giveaway | Reward |
Daily | Splinterlands Giveaway | Common Card |
Daily | Risingstar Giveaway | 2.000 Starbits |
Montay | Ecency | 150 Ecency Points |
Tuesday | Terracoregame | 10 Scrap or HSBI |
Wednesday | Golem Overlord | 5 Part or HSBI |
Thursday | Ecency | 150 Ecency Points |
Friday | Splinterforge | Common Card |
Saturday | Splinterlands | Card older than Chaos Legion |
Sunday | Risingstar | 10.000 Starbits |

Check out this Giveaway-Voter.
Seht euch mal diesen Giveaway-Voter an.

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This is not investment advice!
Dies ist keine Anlageberatung!