Own photograph, edited in Canva with the phrase "Is that love?"
Hello, dear hiver!❤️
I'm sure we've all seen comments online regarding women who bill, referring to the singer Shakira. But have we heard the thoughts of the last century today?
Yes, on social networks and in everyday life they abound.
Even today, in the 21st century, there are men with beliefs that "a woman should be at home", "a woman should take care of her husband", "a woman cannot be more successful than her husband". And the most recent one I saw today on Twitter (X) "if you are a woman, don't waste your youth trying to be successful. Men are not interested in the success or money you may have."
Sometimes it comes to my mind that perhaps these opinions are made based on ChatGPT, just to capture the public's attention. I really hope that's your goal, and not your true way of thinking.

Men are self-conscious
Using this psychology, and taking advantage of it to capture your attention, no, not all of them are. However, a man who is angry that his wife is successful, or achieves his dreams, is not the person you need. He is a frustrated man.
Each person is free to be with whoever he wants, but he must also accept that his partner is a person, with dreams, goals, aspirations. Not doing so is having a delusional idea about adult relationships.
If you lock a bird in a cage it will not be happy.
My neighbor has birds, they see the birds flying that walk through the trees, but they are not happy. They are animals that have wings to fly and be free. They are animals that want to go out, they spend the day singing, but can you see all their beauty through bars? No! They are locked up, you don't see them fly through the trees, get lost in the sky, eat ripe fruits, make nests.
The same thing happens with human beings. Men, women, the elderly, young people and children. We cannot lock them in a cage to make them do what we expect, otherwise, we do not really love them, we do not respect them, we do not appreciate their true beauty.
This is a behavior that goes from generation to generation, our parents limit us excessively, so we go and also apply the same to our partner, to children, to friends. It's healthy? Not good? No. Does it help with anything? No.
Every person can fulfill their dreams regardless of age today. So, letting others be happy is also important.
But, "why would I let her make her dreams come true? She will turn me into a person who can't be controlled."
Indeed, she will know the value of it, the love, the satisfaction of achieving what she wants. That cannot be controlled. But, she can love herself.
Accepting that another person fulfills her dreams, that she can count on you for whatever she needs, will give you a happy partner, a person who will love you from her personal satisfaction and happiness.
Controlling is only taking away people's wings so they don't fly, and the consequences of this are depressed, frustrated, and even aggressive people.
We all want real love in our lives, the kind that gives you incalculable value.

Investing in someone when they have nothing is a terrible investment
I have heard this a lot in women, compared to men. Yes, they are right. Investing in someone when they have nothing, and that person has no values and principles is a terrible investment.
There has also been an attempt to normalize being selfish people. Do not think that this subtitle is here by chance, it has a reason and it is the devalued thought of current times.
Men and women think the same. Nobody wants to give in. Nobody wants to support. Nobody wants to love.
People believe that they will only find perfect people, with a house, car, income that reaches millions of dollars a day, etc. There are, however, there are things that require time.
A person in their 20s most likely does not have them, they are young, they are just beginning adulthood, they are studying at university, or working towards their dreams.
We need more empathy, we need more love, we need more logical analysis.
Because we are going to the lowest part of humanity: Not thinking.
Human beings increasingly stop thinking logically about situations that require it. Men want a woman who is at home all day serving the home, without dreams or aspirations, women want men who have everything from birth, men want the woman to bill, women want the men to solve things.
This world is a bit bizarre for 2024.
Look for what you want in a partner, but demand what you can give
We demand a lot, yet we give little. Or, we do not accept our own demands when they are applied to us.
This is a curious fact. We want to restrict freedoms, but they cannot be restricted to us. It has no coherence.
We want someone with a lot of money, but we don't have money to contribute and create a good family heritage.
Think, can I give what I demand?
This is something that will help us know if it is okay. Do you want someone faithful? You are faithful? If you ask for it, you must also give it.
This is what we know as commitment. Just as we hear at weddings in front of an altar. Couples commit each other to the same conditions.
It's not a coincidence, it's part of life, and it's part of loving a person completely.
At least, that's how it is for me.
Text and images of my authorship. Cover made in Canva.