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Hello friends today is an unusual day in my life because I am under the effects of adaptation of a medication, which has me groggy, but for me to write about technology as our dear @rosahidalgo invites us was important, therefore, this post is a challenge.
As you all can see I was born in the analog era, with black and white TV and where outdoor games and games with friends were vital in our lives.
In my country when the appearance of cell phones began it was not for everyone, just like now, but the knowledge of their existence made everyone talk about the same thing, wanting to have a cell phone was like a lot of goals, at least in my neighborhood it was more than being fashionable, I had changed my social status jjjj.
My character is very cheerful and I like to interact with people, I talk too much so much that sometimes I talk atropellado because the ideas come to my head and therefore had no problems until technology appeared.
But as I have always tried to understand and understand the world, especially the world of young people, I acquired some knowledge, the basics to be able to use them but always with the misgivings that it was better to talk to people's faces.
A few days ago I lost my cell phone so as it is a necessity but a luxury for me because I do not have the purchasing power to have it, I have returned to leave notes instead of messages, and I give myself the consolation that when I did not have it I lived so it is the answers I give when many find out that I do not have and scream in an alarming way.
However, I believe as @rosahidalgo says that we must improve in the use of technology, not only to learn, but rather for its rational use, being able to communicate verbally is what differentiates us from animals.
Technology is here to stay and continue to advance, such as the emergence of AI, etc., but it is we adults who must explain the importance of interacting as human beings, it is true that it is very unpleasant because it has happened to me that you are talking to someone and they answer without looking up from the phone, or simply at parties and gatherings of friends where everyone is sitting around the phone of each one, etc.
We recognize that it is super interesting all the accumulation of information you receive through these devices and programs, it is real that you avoid big trips and problems with just one call, which in my case is still impossible, because I spend all the money because I do not know how to speak precisely or write as little as possible, but I still recognize that we must work on the time of use. sometimes to control the children of their hyperactivity give them our devices to keep them entertained.
Because in its great majority we adults are the ones who are like children, before the new technology we become absorbed and in many cases we neglect those who depend on us to be able to contribute with that technological education.
traductor deepl
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