traductor deepl
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greetings friends, I have not started the year off on the right foot, as they say in popular language, especially on the subject of health so this initiative has come to me very well, because I had to increase by far the strategies for my well-being. we have been living for some time in a world marked by time, a race against the clock, where there is almost no margin to create our own spaces, and when we manage to do so, there is always a thought that breaks that barrier and takes us out of that relaxation so necessary today more than ever, something perhaps contradictory.We live thinking and we only listen to the inner voice of our mind, in many occasions they speak to us and we do not understand, we are absorbed in our thoughts of the day to day.
I live in a very turbulent area, surrounded by traffic, dysfunctional families, therefore almost always my plans to improve my well-being are affected but not for that reason I stop doing them, I always look for variants, since I apply according to the given moment but I have to admit that it is not easy at all.
I am light of thoughts, a thousand ideas sprout from a single problem, positive and negative ideas, of course, sometimes I think faster than I write and speak with the same speed, so over the years life has taught me that these attitudes not only affect my social environment but also my own health.
I have tried to learn some strategies that help me to calm my thoughts, control my impulses and create a harmony between my being and my thinking, because this balance is important to achieve a general wellbeing within the shortcomings of life.
My mornings are important, I am an early riser, no matter if it is a day of rest, I get up and my first actions are to drink my coffee in a corner designed for it, surrounded by plants with which I talk and each sip of coffee I do it with my eyes closed trying to visualize the day and counting backwards, just listening to my breathing, I know it is not easy, at first the thoughts inisitian to get me out of that space but I get it, it feels rewarding.
I get when I feel that I am going to enter into despair or in a heated situation, look inward and look for ideas and pleasant moments and relive them so much that in many occasions they touch me to return me to the present moment.
It is not easy, of course, because who said that life is easy, not at all, but each society has its idiosyncrasy as well as each individual, I think that collectively we must all learn that the more stressful life and situations are, we must as the second side of the coin, create mechanisms that help us to have a welfare and thus improve the quality of life and our personal growth.
because the problems are there, they are real but if we don't know how to catalog them and dominate them, we will continue to be submerged in a world where suicide increases, illnesses increase, especially depression.
I learned from my mother the technique of the drawers, she said that things can be urgent but not important, important but not so urgent and can be urgent and important when you know how to catalog in the drawer where they go, life will be more bearable.
traductor deepl
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