Feliz fin de semana queridos amigos de la comunidad de @holos-lotus, un placer saludarles, me reporto en formar parte de la iniciativa que hace mencion la compañera @charjaim, con el tema de Los Rumores es un tema de mucha polemica por simplemente emitir un comentario, lo que muchas veces hace un incendio, un llamaron e involucra a personas inocentes.
Los rumores son comentarios emitidos por un organo muy pequeño de nuestro cuerpo, el cual es nuestra lengua, que la vemos indefensa pero muchas veces es mortal.
Comparto un anecdota que me ocurrio por un simple rumor:
En una oportunidad mi cuñada me llama por telefono y me dice que una amiga en comun fallecio, esa noticia me entristecio, luego yo llame a mi mama y le comento, luego coloco en mis redes sociales que me unia al duelo que embargaba a la familia y en la noche me dirijo donde era su casa y mi mayor sorpresa, es que encuentro a mi amiga sentada al frente, me dio alegria verla y que la noticia fuera falsa, pero a la vez se me caia la cara de verguenza porque yo habia repetido que ella habia fallecido, me dio mucha pena, le pedi disculpa por lo acontecido. Llame a mi cuñada y le dije que era metira esa noticia.. Con el transcurrir del tiempo ciertamente si fallecio pero ya luego yo no publique nada.
Otro anecdota fue en el tiempo de juventud en el liceo, que un joven amigo de mi novio en esa epoca y que hoy es mi esposo, le dijo a el que yo estaba de manos agarrada con otro chico, donde mi novio se molesto muchisimo y me fue a reclamar lo acontecido, en realidad yo no era y fuimos donde el chico para aclarar la situacion y el asumio que yo no era y que todo lo habia hecho por juego, algo de muy mal gusto que no me agrado para nada. Lo bueno fue que arregle mi relacion con mi novio. Pero a ese chico no le hable mas nunca hasta el sol de hoy...
Los rumores son dañinos, rompen relaciones amorosas, familiares, amistades, entre otros ambitos, yo los considero una polvora o dinamita que produce un gran incendio, lo que deja huellas y cicatrices profundas en las personas inmersas que muchas veces estan inocentes de lo acontecido, todo por un simple comentario verbal que se va pasando de una persona a otra y en ese transcurso se le pone o se le quitan las palabraa o esencia de la idea principal colocandole lo que consideremos oportuno lo que a la final esta muy mal, procuce daño.
Para que los rumores puedan acabarse y no se conviertan en chismorreadera hay que buscar su origen quien lo inicio y desmentirlo o lo que es mas saludable y mucho mejor no formar parte del rumor, eso lo logramos manteniendonos calladitos porque en boca cerrada no entra mosca jajaja.
Calladitos nos vemos mas bonitos.
Espero que les guste mi post.
Hasta la proxima amigos.
Las imagenes me pertenecen, fueron tomadas de mi teléfono Samsung A21
Fueron editadas las fotos en el programa Polish.
traductor: Deepl Traslator.
Happy weekend dear friends of the community of @holos-lotus, a pleasure to greet you, I report to be part of the initiative that makes mention the companion @charjaim, with the theme of Rumors is a topic of much controversy by simply issuing a comment, which often makes a fire, a called and involves innocent people.
Rumors are comments issued by a very small organ of our body, which is our tongue, which we see it defenseless but often is deadly.
I share an anecdote that happened to me because of a simple rumor:
In an opportunity my sister-in-law called me on the phone and told me that a friend in common died, that news saddened me, then I called my mom and told her, then I put in my social networks that I joined the mourning that overwhelmed the family and at night I go where her house was and my biggest surprise, I was happy to see her and that the news was false, but at the same time I was ashamed because I had repeated that she had died, I was very sorry, I apologized for what happened. I called my sister-in-law and told her that I had to tell her the news. As time went by, she certainly did pass away, but then I did not publish anything.
Another anecdote was in the time of my youth in high school, that a young friend of my boyfriend at that time and who is now my husband, told him that I was holding hands with another guy, where my boyfriend was very upset and went to me to claim what happened, in reality I was not and we went to the boy to clarify the situation and he assumed that I was not and that everything had been done by game, something very bad taste that I did not like at all. The good thing was that I fixed my relationship with my boyfriend. But I never spoke to that guy again until today....
Rumors are harmful, they break love relationships, family, friendships, among other areas, I consider them a powder or dynamite that produces a great fire, which leaves traces and deep scars in people immersed that many times are innocent of what happened, all for a simple verbal comment that is passed from one person to another and in the course of that is put or removed the words or essence of the main idea by placing what we consider appropriate which in the end is very bad, causes damage.
For rumors to end and not become gossip, it is necessary to look for its origin, who started it and deny it or what is healthier and much better not to be part of the rumor, we achieve this by keeping quiet, because in a closed mouth no fly enters, hahaha.
We look prettier when we are quiet.
I hope you like my post.
Until next time friends.