Y hablando de agradecer, nuestra amiga @rosahidalgo, nos invita a realizar un ejercicio de gratitud muy particular, y muy beneficioso a la vez. Apenas leí de qué se trataba, me animé a escribir y participar, y es que la verdad nunca se me había ocurrido darle las gracias a mi Ex, por nada, Ja, ja, ja, ja. Entonces me dije a mí misma:"Mi misma, si tu bandera principal es el agradecimiento, ¿por qué no tomar el consejo de Rosa y aplicarlo?" Entonces aquí estoy, dispuesta a dar las gracias a mi Ex.
Si quieres agradecerle tú también a tu Ex o a tus Ex, da clik acá y lee las recomendaciones que nos da @rosahidalgo.
Gracias por enseñarme a quererme a pesar de tu forma de querer:
Me gustó mucho la frase que utiliza @rosahidalgo para definir o describir lo que un Ex es. Ella dice que son maestros que vienen a mostrarnos muchas formas de amor propio. Me quedo con esa frase porque siento que eso fue lo que obtuve saliendo con aquel Ex. Amor propio. Aprendí a amarme muchísimo, porque él se encargaba de describir partes de mí, tanto físicas, como de personalidad, que no me gustaban y que gracias a Dios no acepté como mi verdad.
Supongo que al ser tan joven, ni yo misma sabía que aquellas frases que me dedicaba esta persona, no eran las adecuadas. Sin embargo, agradezco a mi Yo interior, por incomodarme para que de alguna forma reaccionara y no aceptara tales palabras. Pero quien recibe el mayor de los agradecimientos es Dios, porque colocó a mi lado a mi actual esposo, para que yo pudiera descubrir en mí la belleza que él ve. Con mi esposo siempre me he sentido hermosa, interesante, amada, y muy, muy feliz. Eso lo agradezco mucho.
Gracias por alejarte:
Soy de compromiso, de fidelidad y hasta de aguante. Y me parece que quizás aquel "romance" se habría extendido más tiempo si mi Ex, no hubiera decidido alejarse. Y se alejó por cuestión de estudios en otra ciudad y esa distancia fue el regalo para que yo me liberara de su vigilancia y de su opresiva forma de ser. En mi poca experiencia con novios, yo creía que así era como tenía que ser una relación. Que la pareja tenía derecho a controlar tus horarios, tus llegadas y salidas, tu vestimenta, lo que escuchabas y lo que decías. Me perdono a mí misma por dejarme someter, creyendo que eso significaba entrega y fidelidad.
Mi esposo me deja vivir y vive feliz con mi forma de hacerlo y viceversa. No hay opresión, ni control. Hay amor, confianza, acompañamiento y disfrute. Otra cosa más que agradecer mil veces a Dios.
Gracias Dios, gracias destino:
¿Y si yo hubiera decidido hacer mi vida junto a aquella persona? Dios en su infinito amor hacia mí, movió todos los hilos posibles para que eso no se convirtiera en una realidad. Porque aunque éramos jóvenes y apenas habíamos empezado la universidad, ya lo habíamos conversado y en mi forma de ser de echada pa' adelante, yo lo habría aceptado. Por eso agradezco infinitamente la mano divina de Dios, que con sus eventos perfectos, me guió por otro camino. Uno inmensamente más bonito, lleno de alegrías, carcajadas, amor, complicidad, ternura, mucha chispa y la sensación de estar en el lugar perfecto con la persona perfecta para mí.
Entonces no solo le agradezco a mi Ex, el enseñarme a no ser como él, a mover en mí, el instinto de protegerme y valorarme, y el maravilloso hecho de alejarse, sino que también le agradezco infinitamente a Dios por llevarme a experimentar un camino más bonito. soy afortunada, tuve muchísima suerte de que aquel no fuera mi destino. Eso me da muchos motivos para vivir agradecida y seguir adelante, agarrada de la mano de la mejor persona que Dios colocó en mi camino.
Seguimos avanzando. Gracias a todos por su amable lectura.
Good morning, friends of Holos & Lotus. Today, like every day, is a good time to be thankful and happy for everything we have, for what we have received and are about to receive.
And speaking of gratitude, our friend @rosahidalgo, invites us to perform a very particular exercise of gratitude, and very beneficial at the same time. As soon as I read what it was about, I was encouraged to write and participate, and the truth is that it had never occurred to me to thank my Ex for anything, ha ha ha ha ha. Then I said to myself: "My self, if your main flag is gratitude, why not take Rosa's advice and apply it? So here I am, ready to thank my ex.
If you also want to thank your Ex or your Exes, click here and read the recommendations that @rosahidalgo gives us.
Thank you for teaching me to love myself in spite of your way of loving:
I really liked the phrase that @rosahidalgo uses to define or describe what an Ex is. She says they are teachers who come to show us many forms of self love. I'm sticking with that phrase because I feel that's what I got from dating that Ex. Self-love. I learned to love myself so much, because he took it upon himself to describe parts of me, both physical, and personality, that I didn't like and thank God I didn't accept as my truth.
I suppose that being so young, even I did not know that those phrases that this person dedicated to me were not the right ones. However, I thank my inner Self for making me uncomfortable so that somehow I reacted and did not accept such words. But the one who receives the greatest thanks is God, because he placed my current husband by my side, so that I could discover in me the beauty that he sees in me. With my husband I have always felt beautiful, interesting, loved, and very, very happy. I am very grateful for that.
Thank you for walking away:
I'm all about commitment, fidelity and even endurance. And it seems to me that maybe that "romance" would have lasted longer if my ex had not decided to move away. And he moved away because of his studies in another city and that distance was the gift for me to free myself from his surveillance and his oppressive way of being. In my little experience with boyfriends, I believed that this was how a relationship was supposed to be. That the partner had the right to control your schedule, your coming and going, your dress, what you listened to and what you said. I forgive myself for letting myself be subdued, believing that meant surrender and fidelity.
My husband lets me live and lives happily with the way I do and vice versa. There is no oppression, no control. There is love, trust, companionship and enjoyment. One more thing to thank God a thousand times.
Thank you God, thank you destiny:
What if I had decided to make my life with that person? God in his infinite love for me, pulled all possible strings so that this would not become a reality. Because even though we were young and had just started college, we had already talked about it and in my way of being a go-getter, I would have accepted it. That is why I am infinitely grateful for the divine hand of God, who with his perfect events, guided me on another path. An immensely more beautiful one, full of joy, laughter, love, complicity, tenderness, lots of sparkle and the feeling of being in the perfect place with the perfect person for me.
So not only I thank my Ex, for teaching me not to be like him, to move in me, the instinct to protect and value me, and the wonderful fact of moving away, but I also thank God infinitely for taking me to experience a more beautiful way. I am lucky, I was very lucky that this was not my destiny. That gives me many reasons to live in gratitude and move forward, holding the hand of the best person that God placed in my path.
We continue to move forward. Thank you all for your kind reading.