Love the clouds #201/ Balcony Clouds

in Love The Clouds11 months ago


Hello beautiful cloud hunters!
It's been a while since I joined in the weekly community challenge of sharing the clouds in our respective areas.
Yesterday around past 4 pm while I was watering our potted snake plants at our bedroom balcony or veranda I can't help but notice the clouds.
The sun's rays were behind the clouds and it looks so amazing, very glorious. It's like something shimmered behind the clouds. It was just so lovely that I can't help to not snap photos of it.





There is an animal shape on the clouds but can't quite decipher what it is. It looks like a goat or a deer sitting, resting or something.. haha... How about you, what do you see?


Thank you again @tobetada for hosting this super fun cloud hunting experience for our weekly challenges. We are now on our 201th edition!!! Wooohoooo! Congratulations! Let's have a toast to that milestone, Cheers! 🥂🍻🍷


Wow! Amazing Clouds, yeah it was like something shimmering behind the Clouds, gold perhaps. The formed shape I can't decipher, too, what animal but sure in sitting position.

Thank you, it's sitting alright but don't know what kind.... Hehe
A good guessing game indeed, just let one's imagination play.

Looks a bit scary but beautiful too.

Haha, yah it does, clouds never ceases to amaze us. Thanks for dropping by my friend. Have a great day ahead!

Have a great one too.

Una nueva participante del concurso yo amo las nubes.

A new participant in the I love clouds contest.

Thank you so much for the mention @sacra97. Grateful much! 🥰