Creativity at its Best ; Designing a Holozing Pencil Holder

in Holozing Community10 months ago

Hello everyone! I trust y'all had a good day. Welcome to my blog!

So I decided to do something creative today out of the drawings and posts I write on this community. After a long time of deep thought about what I would create, I came up with a pencil holder because I didn't have one and I had materials available that I could use to make it possible. So i went around the house and gathered materials that were available.

To achieve this, I had to first of all draw and carve out the holozing design I would use to beautify my pencil holder.

Below are the materials i used for my drawing:

📌 Drawing board
📌 A4 paper
📌 HP pencil
📌 Eraser
📌 Ruler

I started drawing from one side, step by step, as seen in the pictures above.

Then, after completing the left side, I drew the right side.

To beautify my drawing, I used coloring pencils and colored carefully. I used the orange, pink, and blue colours. Though that wasn't the exact colours that was used on the picture, I had to use what was available to make it look nice and colourful.

After painting it, I carved the image out so that it would be easy for me to design the pencil holder.

I used scissors to carve out the image, and I kept it aside when I was done carving.

Tools that i used for the Pencil holder

  1. An empty jar
  2. Wrap paper
  3. Tape
  4. Glue
  5. Scissors

Steps and procedures I used to create the pencil holder

First of all, I checked the size of the wrapping paper that I would use on the jar so that I could cut the excess.

After cutting out the excess, I wrapped the wrap paper around the jar and put the glue and gum together.

I also made use of the tape to make the binding strong.

I also used the wrap paper to wrap the inner part of the jar to make it look beautiful.

Then I took my carved image and applied gum to it to paste it on the pencil holder.

After which i was done and i filled it with my pencil, pens, markers and crayons.

I'm so excited and proud that i could do this.
All thanks to holozing.

Thanks for reading...

I am @mummygo
Your proud farmercist
Minister of Smiles

 10 months ago Reveal Comment