Solanum ferrugineum

in Nature Observerlast month
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Solanum ferrugineum20 Febuary 2025Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

Hi friends, tonight I'm back to entertain you with some very beautiful wild flower pictures. I found these wild flowers behind my house. When I woke up I immediately went out to have coffee on the back porch. When I was lighting a cigarette I accidentally saw these wild flowers growing very beautifully. Then I immediately took some pictures to show to all of you who are always active with me in my beloved community. This is what a very beautiful wild flower picture looks like.

Okay friends, maybe that's all I can tell you. I hope you like it and are entertained by the beauty of these wild flowers. See you in the next post.

Camera usedponsel redmi 9C
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographySolanum ferrugineum

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