Panus lecomtei

in Nature Observer2 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Panus lecomtei28 Febuary 2025Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

hello my beloved true friends. How are you all healthy. Hopefully you are all in the protection of Allah SWT.
Today I will be back again with you wanting to show and exhibit the mushrooms that I found next to my cousin's house.

This mushroom grows under a starfruit tree. and on a tree trunk that is already rotten. This mushroom looks very beautiful, friends.

In the morning my mother told me to wake up my cousin. Then I immediately rushed to go to his house.

When I got there, I accidentally saw this mushroom. Then I immediately took and devoted some pictures to show off to all of you who are always loyal to me in our beloved community.

I really like mushrooms like this, they are not too big and not too small to see with amazing colors.

Try to pay attention to the picture of the mushroom that I managed to catch this morning, it's really amazing. ❤️

okay friends, those are the mushrooms I meant earlier. I hope you like and are entertained by some of the mushroom pictures that I have uploaded above. Thank you. See you in the next post.

Camera usedponsel redmi 9C
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyPanus lecomtei

Link to originalcommunity
