Genus Stachytarpheta

in Nature Observer2 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Stachytarpheta26 Januari 2025Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

the charm of wild flowers is really beautiful.

hi friends today I'm back again with you guys want to show you very beautiful wild flowers.

these wild flowers grow a lot in the forest because of the abundance of these wild flowers that fascinate me.

with having beautiful colors with such a beautiful appearance.

I found this flower behind my house, precisely in the forest. because I like to explore the forest to find anything that I can share here with all of you so that you all witness the beauty of nature.
when I saw this wild flower I was very happy to be able to entertain you again with very beautiful photography photos like these wild flowers.

when I took some pictures I had to hold them with my hands because the wind was quite strong so that the image quality was good.

Well friends, those are just a few pictures of wild flowers that I managed to capture to share here so that you can witness the beauty of nature. I hope you like and are entertained by the beauty of these flowers. See you again with me in the next post.

Camera usedponsel redmi 5
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Stachytarpheta

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It was a great flower. I like it.

Thank you, have a nice day.