Famili Rhagophthalmidae

in Nature Observer2 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Famili RhagophthalmidaeFebruary 16 2025Buket Alue Puteh, Aceh, Indonesia

This is the Rhagophthalmidae, part of a group of centipedes which are known for their ability to produce light or bioluminescence, the Rhagophthalmidae are included in the order Coleopatra, I found them in the trunk of a rotten durian tree with very damp organic conditions, and the Rhagophthalmidae family that I found were still very young or even just hatched from eggs only a few days before I found them.

in the past I have found them that are adults and when they crawl among the dry leaves at night they emit a distinctive light all over their bodies, but for their babies this is the first time I have found them, so this is a very extraordinary experience to remember that these creatures live a very hidden life and are only active at night, I really feel very lucky because I was able to find them among the rotting durian tree trunks by accident.

Camera usedsmartphone
PhotographyFamili Rhagophthalmidae
LocationBuket Alue Puteh

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