Gymnopilus dilepis

in Nature Observer16 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Gymnopilus dilepis12 maret 2025Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

hello all my friends who are always loyal to me I hope my friends are healthy and given a long life even though tonight's very happy opportunity I will share some pictures of very unique mushrooms.

I will tell you a little about the mushrooms that I found this afternoon when I came home from the garden again to feed the goats

This afternoon, dear, I came home from the garden again to feed the goats, I accidentally saw a mushroom near me which was located on a dead tree trunk and I saw it was very beautiful and interesting when we looked at it and I also took some pictures for me to post in this beloved community, the mushroom was very unique and small in shape and I really like the little mushroom.

Maybe that's all I can tell you briefly about tonight's story, hopefully my friends can be entertained with the pictures that I posted below, hopefully it will be useful for my friends in this community

See you in my next post Thank you, hopefully entertained....


Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGymnopilus dilepis

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