Genus Pyrellia

in Nature Observer19 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Pyrellia10 mar 2025Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

hello all my friends who are always loyal to me I hope my friends are healthy and given a long life on this happy night I will share some pictures of green grasshoppers that are very beautiful when we look at them from afar and near.

I will tell you a little about the grasshoppers that I found two days ago in the forest,

two days ago I went into the forest looking for bamboo to make a chicken coop and I accidentally saw a grasshopper on a leaf and I went to see it closely I was interested in the green grasshopper because its shape was very unique and I didn't miss this opportunity to take some pictures to post in this beloved community.

Maybe that's all I can tell you briefly, smart tonight, hopefully my friends are entertained by the pictures I posted below.

see you in my next post, thank you, hopefully entertained ...



Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Pyrellia

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