Genus Mimosa

in Nature Observerlast month
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Mimosa13 feb 2025Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

hello all my friends who are always loyal to me I hope you are healthy and given a long life on this happy night I will return again to share some pictures in this beloved community, the picture I posted tonight is about a picture of a wild flower that is whitish with spots, I will tell you a little about the wild flower that I found this afternoon when I was working in the forest with my friends.

when I was working in the forest with my friends again cutting teak wood in the forest I worked on a very hot day then I decided to take a break for a moment and accidentally I saw a wild flower under an old tree and I was interested in the very beautiful wild flower I did not miss this opportunity to take some pictures to post in this beloved community.

Maybe that's all I can tell you briefly, hopefully my friends can be entertained by the picture I posted below
see you in my next post thank you .....

Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Mimosa

Link to originalcommunity

Beautiful wild flowers