Zinnia angustifolia

in Nature Observer5 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Zinnia angustifolia19 Mar 2025Central Aceh ,Bireuen, Indonesia

Hello friends, wherever you are, back with me as usual. I hope everyone is always healthy and always successful and can also do activities as usual. On this very happy occasion, I want to share some photography images in this beloved community,

The photo that I will show you here is about a yellowish wild flower. For me, the flower is very beautiful and with its very unique color, so I am interested in taking some pictures to share with you,

Okay, friends, this time I hope you are all entertained, so let's see together the pictures that I have taken below

Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyZinnia angustifolia

Link to original | community
| - | -https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/265966440
