My house guard dog

in Nature Observer11 months ago

Dogs are more or less known to all of us and there is no country in the world that does not have a dog. I like the dog animal. Because dogs help people in various ways and dogs sometimes treat people as friends and sometimes dogs act as security guards for people. In every village of our country small and big dogs of different colors live and dogs guard people's houses at night and help to protect the people and other belongings of the house from various thefts or robberies.











In my house also I keep a dog and I named it Mintu. Mintu walks with me when I go outside the house and no matter how hard I try to bring Mintu home, he doesn't go home but walks with me as long as I walk outside. I love my dog ​​very much. Because he listens to my every command and performs duties for me accordingly. Mintu barks at night and he tells us that Mintu has seen something. Thus Mintu supports us in various ways. When my dog ​​is hungry he silently looks for me and whenever he sees me he lets me know by barking.

The dog loves me like he can't live without me for a moment. When I go out on errands, the dog looks for me until I come home and goes wild with joy whenever he sees me. I also love the dog very much. I took some pictures of the dog in different shapes with my own mobile to share with my hive community friends. I have tried to make the pictures good and I hope my friends will be happy to see the pictures and support me so that I can give more beautiful posts in the future.