Latin Name | Observation date | Location |
Lean Lynx Spider | July 11,2024 | Chittagong Division, Bangladesh |

It is an animal and a small animal and this animal is very beautiful. A beautiful name of this beautiful animal is Striped lynx spider. It is actually a kind of spider that looks very beautiful. This type of spider is usually seen in the leaves of various vines around the house. There are different species of spiders and in my opinion this spider is one of the most beautiful spiders. When I saw it among the leaves of the tree and I saw that it had a yellow color in its skin, the animal looked very beautiful. As I have 12, I enjoy its beauty and take a few pictures of different shapes with my own mobile. The pictures of the spider are presented above for the observation of all friends.
One day I came out of my school and went for a short walk towards the road and suddenly on the left side of the road I saw this animal sitting on a leaf and it was very clever. As soon as I saw the animal, I turned on my mobile camera and just as I was about to take a picture, it moved to the opposite side of the tree in no time and I could not see it again. So only able to take few pictures of the same shape. I observed this spider and found that it has eight legs in its body and with the help of legs it can move from one place to another very quickly. Moreover, this animal first hunts any small insect for food and before hunting it surrounds it with a net and kills the insect by hitting it with its feet and then consumes it as food.