First time Making This CRochet Ruffle hat

in NeedleWorkMonday10 months ago

Hello my fellow needle workers, today is a good day and I hope you all had a productive day.
I haven’t been here in a while so I’ll use this to say I missed you guys so much and I’m glad to be back.


Today I’ll be showcasing this beauty. A client came by the shop and asked me to make her a ruffle hat but the twist is that she brought the yarns she wanted me to use on it which has happened before though, but it was another vendor that did that not a direct client like this so I was kind of stunned.


I got over that and we went in to talk about pricing and the design on the body of the hat.


She wanted a ruffle hat with a plain base and body then the ruffles will be a mixture of random colors not in a uniform pattern just kind of scattered across.


She made payment and I got started since I was not handling any old projects before she walked in. First of all the yarn was different from all I’ve seen before, not just the look but how it felt.


I still don’t know how to classify it because they did not come in a pack.


I started with the base of the ruffle hat and it was a bit difficult since I usually work with just cotton yarn or just acrylic yarn and this one was neither.


I love the rough look but crocheting it was not so fun in the beginning.


I started getting a hang of it after I finished the base and I was making the body. I got a bit faster and the stitches were more defined when I got the ruffles part of the hat that is where all the thinking began.


For the crocheters here I think we’ll understand this as much as a client says make it random when you want to do it it’ll be “calculated random”. I don’t know if that makes any sense at all but yeah that’s what was giving me issues here. I had to pick out the different colors then arrange the switch in a way that would not look weird or odd.


Since she picked the colors I had to make sure all of them were included in the hat so I did one row of each mix till I got the end of the whole hat. Had to add a light pink in two shades because she wanted those too and honestly I did not expect it to come out well like this. Just one of those things.


Anyways she loved it and honestly I think I’ll try it out for myself buh I’ll try something in gradients instead. I love this looks and it’s making me grin


things I used to make it:
*4.0mm hook
*3 40g balls of yarn


Ps: these pictures belong to me and we’re taken with my mobile device.


It's so beautiful, I love it.
You're very talented to have made this perfectly well for the first time

Thsnk you so much

This is quite brilliant, a ruffled beanie hat!
You are right the colours came out really well.

Thank you so much.

It looks really nice!
I like the combination of colors. You did a good job.
Thanks for sharing.

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Im happy you like it.

wow love this, sorry which state are you and what is the cost of yarn

In nigeria

How beautiful it looks on you is making me want to knit something very soon.😃

Puuuuuu I wanna seee

I love the color combinations, it looks so fascinating.
Great job, thank you for sharing this.

Thank youuuu