I was going to order the yarns online but I knew before they get delivered, valentine would have even been over so I went to the local market.My excitement was shortened after realizing the price of yarns now.I wouldn’t want to bore you with that so let’s focus on the positive part.
I chose a very special person as my valentine so after remembering how important the person was, I concluded the price was worth it.
I went to the local market because that’s normally where people sell them.In the local market you’d get yarns only at the fabric shops but it was frustrating how I moved from one shop to the other and was hearing the same thing over and over again “we’re out of stock”(Seriously??). The last shop I went to directed me to a ”book shop”.I asked her if she really knew what I was talking about because what are yarns doing at a book shop?
I went to the first shop and I was confused at the entrance because I saw mosquito sprays and other things which me think I was at the wrong place until I entered.They had really limited colors with outrageous prices and oh the attendant was really rude. Just to help the business owner, I bought some white yarns and left.I just imagined how many clients they lose in a day just because of her rudeness and come on, that’s somebody’s investment and you’re just there sending all investors away with your behavior.
Anyway, upon reaching the next shop,the sight of yarns in different colors made me smile and the attendant was so nice to me.There were many other people there to also shop which actually made sense and I just felt most of them might have even come from the other shop just like me.The attendant told me to take my time and make my choice so I don’t end up choosing the wrong thing which was really music to my ears because the variety of colours got me confused.
My plan was to buy blue and white yarns so since I had already bought white yarns from the rude shop,I had to get my blue yarns and get moving.
Guess what?I didnt buy blue yarns anymore,the other colors caught my attention and I just knew I wanted that for my project.I bought the deep ash colour and finally made my way home.I was a little nervous when I was leaving the shop.The tiny voice in my head kept saying “it’s not too late to change the color” but no I didn’t listen.
As a needleworker it’s all about being creative and experimenting with colors right?
I can’t wait to start this project and show everyone the result and I know my valentine will love it too.
Thank you for your time.