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RE: [EN/PT-BR] Not a very good week.

in HiveBR4 days ago

Like they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Although since I'm not as young as I once was, I'm not sure that's true... I hope you're mom heals up well, it's always scary when a loved one has a fall like that. At least there wasn't intracranial bleeding or something much worse.

Life likes to throw us curveballs like that when we least expect them...


The CT scan showed only multiple fractures. She did talk about how lucky she was not to have internal clots, I think it's something like that, I don't remember the name, so the recovery will be to rest as much as possible and some pain medication, since the nose isn't plastered so that's how it will be. But it could have been worse, but thank God it wasn't.