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RE: Picture A Day - Indian summer goldies

in Picture A Day4 months ago (edited)

the gold will turn into mud...

Beautiful shot!

This is what I enjoy most about the photographs, their stories and the moods they provoke.


Grazie. 😘

Have you moved to Italy? 😄

Only spiritually ... 😁 Btw, St.Petersburg (my city) was initially build and developed thru a period of time as a copy of classic Italian cities with its ancient architecture (thats why it is also called a Northern Venice). But, sadly, we have the sky coloured in Napoli blue only a dozen days per year. I miss it very much.


Oh, Pizza hahaha... thanks, and also for the info about your city. I like to learn new things all the time.

Спасибо и всего хорошего... фотографии под дождем тоже прекрасны. А в грязи получаются текстуры.