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RE: A Chasm Too Wide?

in Reflections3 months ago

In the end, like you I just want the politicians to get along and get something done that is beneficial to all of us. The two party system is creating the chasm you speak of and it's extremely unhealthy. It's fine for everyone to have their own viewpoint and that is not only their right it should be respected even if you don't agree with them. It used to be that when it came down to it they worked together to better the country, now there's just so much hate on both sides...

I really almost don't recognize the country I grew up in, it's a mess. And you're right, our choices in politicians over the last couple decades have pretty much sucked. I didn't spend twenty years in the military active duty and reserves to watch the whole country implode... Maybe next time around there will be someone much more competent, at least I hope.


I think people need to step outside their boxes and start looking at alternative candidates. I'm not saying Perot should have won back in the day, but we haven't had a third party precedent for a while now. We need someone to break the ice again.

I couldn't agree more. A strong third option would be good for this country. Let's cross our fingers!