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RE: Where did we go wrong?

in Reflections5 months ago

What a mess.... I spent way too many years in school, many, many beyond high school and I always had to work hard and had lots of homework. On top of that I always had a part time job. I really can't even fathom how some parents can complain about a little homework. What went wrong with those parents that they see homework as an invasion of their family time. Maybe they are just lazy and don't want to have to help their kids with homework.

The whole concept really just blows my mind... Like I've said many times, I don't recognize the country I grew up in or the one I served as a member of the armed forces....


Yeah, it's pretty odd and I can't really put my finger on it. Even my relatives are a bit more lax about things like sending their kids to school in general. When I was a kid I had to be on my death bed to miss a day. Now, people are like oh, I just decided to let them stay home for the day. I don't get it.

It's beyond me, absolute bizzaro world...