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RE: Is This A Good Idea?

in Reflections8 months ago

I just found out that there is an international children's day hahaha I always knew that each country had its own date and its own reasons beyond the commercial but I had not thought that there was a world date for this. I find it hard to believe that there are people so stupid to have bothered, my friend clearly it is an option that you are given, no one is forcing you to anything and you should be grateful that you are given that possibility to choose.


And I'm surprised to read children's day is not known in other countries. It's sad because kids like it and it's a good occasion for parents and children to spend time together, plus get some presents as well.

And it's true, there's a category of people that the only thing they know is to protest against everything and everyone, regardless what it is about. It is sad.

In Paraguay they celebrate Children's Day because in a war they had to send children to the front to fight and a lot of them died, so they commemorate that tragedy.