Are you overwhelmed by loneliness?

in Reflectionslast year


Today I went for a walk very early in the morning to improve my health, it was another of my resolutions for this year but I just started it because I have heaviness in my legs, walking gives me a lot of well being it makes me feel more energetic but above all it helps my health I stopped where there is a public space with some machines to do exercises, bars, weights, etc.

There were two relatively young girls talking while they were on the treadmill doing their exercises I managed to hear part of their conversation 🙈🙈🙈🙈 one was saying to the other the loneliness has me overwhelmed, on the way back home I was thinking what can lead to such a beautiful girl to have that feeling of loneliness fits well the popular saying faces we see hearts we do not know.


I am one of those who love my loneliness, maybe, maybe I got used to it, coming home all alone does not affect me, I feel I have a lot of time for myself and that's okay, in today's society there are many people of all social classes, religion, race, gender who are overwhelmed by loneliness is more common than it seems is a topic that almost no one likes to talk about for fear of being judged by others who may also feel lonely.

Have you ever felt lonely (or) at some point in your life maybe today?

I believe that we all have experienced moments of loneliness, the truth is that at some point in our lives we need someone to listen to us and share our feelings and emotions, a person who is interested in what we carry inside or simply a shoulder to cry on without being judged.

My grandmother once told me that many times you are surrounded by people who say they love you and you feel lonely. For me, living without company is not all bad, but there are people who can't stand loneliness; this also happens when you lose a loved one.

How does unwanted loneliness affect you?

When being alone is not a decision it generates a roller coaster of negative emotions: sadness, pain, frustration, isolation, etc., etc.

Have you ever felt this feeling of helplessness? Have you ever wondered what it is due to?

We all have a different way of dealing with difficult situations, I changed my place of work, I left my colleagues behind, the change affected me, it is a normal feeling, the first few days I was hit by loneliness, my old colleagues were gone, I can not stay crying and isolate myself, not everyone will welcome you with open arms, some will not like you even without knowing you, but always expressed it, who has the problem?


But how can we deal with loneliness?

There are many reasons why you can have that feeling, a divorce, the loss of a loved one or the reality of many families today with the migration of their children, husbands, father, etc., it is not easy to cope with loneliness because there is a game of very intense emotions I remember when my son left the country although I have two children the oldest left a void in me and in my house was difficult for me although we communicated every day was not the same no matter if you are young, adult, man, woman loneliness can come into your life, disguised as loss, betrayal, estrangement etc..

It is definitely necessary to express what we feel so that those feelings and emotions do not take their toll on you, it is okay to cry no matter the sex men also cry positive thoughts are a fundamental part in overcoming loneliness get together with people with the same interests that add and not subtract.

Facing loneliness is difficult but not impossible the first thing is that life situations are transitory nothing is forever we should not demand more than normal be happy with what you have exercise is essential to rest and engage in other activities that make us happy not draw conclusions from other people based on our experiences value family and friends especially away from the vices are not a way to cope with loneliness in the end will increase the problems, finally much faith and hope that everything will pass.


Photos of my property taken with my mobile phone/use of the deelp translator